By: Taresa Sabatello CIS 101 Professor White
Olympic swimmers have gone from wearing “Speedo” type bathing suits to slick body suits made from “fatskin”. These new type of suits cover the body from the neck to the ankles. Since they have been invented, numerous swimming records have been shattered The bathing suits are said to keep the body higher in water therefore adding speed.
Elite swimmers can increase their maximal swimming velocity (v0 lim) at a definite distance in different ways: with parallel increasing of the total external mechanical power conservation and even decreasing of this power (CDP-phenomenon) The main reasons for the CDP-phenomenon are a) decrease in non-stationary frontal drag of a human body b) increase in propelling efficiency at the account of purposeful change in dynamic and cinematic characteristics of a swimmer's movers c) decrease in negative impulse of effective propelling force within motions cycle in butterfly and breaststroke.
Aquanex is a computerized system for measuring forces in an aquatic environment Aquanex can be used with all four competitive swimming strokes such as freestyle, breast stroke, backstroke and the butterfly Aquanex provides a thorough analysis of the forces exerted during swimming peak force, average force, impulse, pull time, recovery time, stroke rate and stroke length, and swimming velocity are analyzed. It can also be used for swimmers of all ages. Aquanex is particularly useful for these swimmers, because even with a video analysis it is not possible to identify the decreases in hand speed that result in a loss of force.
Appropriate prevention of swimmer's shoulder is critical in all intense training programs. Routine icing may be needed during heavy training. Continual reinforcement of proper stroke mechanics and adequate flexibility is essential. Yardage and intensity must be increased gradually at the start of each season, and warm-up and cool-down periods should be lengthy. After long kicking-only sets, a swimmer needs additional warm-up before using arm strokes at normal speed. Weight training should emphasize the same goals as rehabilitation, including consistent rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Hand paddle use should be minimized. These simple modifications can greatly decrease a swimmer's chances of shoulder overuse but are frequently overlooked when intense training is the priority.
Olympic swimmers have gone from wearing “Speedo” type bathing suits to slick body suits made from “fatskin”. Elite swimmers can increase their maximal swimming velocity (v0 lim) at a definite distance in different ways: with parallel increasing of the total external mechanical power conservation and even decreasing of this power (CDP- phenomenon) Aquanex is a computerized system for measuring forces in an aquatic environment And YES, injuries can occur during swimming.