1 Chapter 11 Evaluation research
2 Evaluation research is not a method of data collection, like survey research of experiments, nor is it a unique component of research designs, like sampling or measurement. Instead, evaluation research is social research that is conducted for a distinctive purpose: to investigate social programs (e.g., substance abuse treatment programs, welfare programs, criminal justice programs, or employment and training programs).
3 For each project, an evaluation researcher must select a research design and method of data collection that are useful for answering the particular research questions posed and appropriate for the particular program investigated. The development of evaluation research as a major enterprise followed on the heels of the expansion of the federal government during the Great Depression and World War II.
4 Large Depression-era government outlays for social program stimulated interest in monitoring program output, and the military effort in World War II led to some of the necessary review and contracting procedures for sponsoring evaluation research. In the 1960s, criminal justice researchers began to use experiments to test the value of different policies (Orr 1999:24).
5 In the early 1980s, after this period of rapid growth, many evaluation research firms closed in tandem with the decline of many Great Society programs. However, the demand for evaluation research continues, due, in part, to government requirements. The growth of evaluation research is also reflected in the social science community. The American Evaluation Association was founded in 1986 as a professional organization for evaluation researchers (merging two previous associations) and the publisher of an evaluation research journal.
6 The process of evaluation research can be viewed as a simple systems model. First, clients, customers, students, or some other persons or inputs units—cases—enter the program as inputs. (You’ll notice that this model treats programs like machines, with people functioning as raw materials to be processed.) Resources and staff required by a program are also program inputs.
7 Insert exhibit 11.1
8 Next some service or treatment is provided to the cases. This may be attendance in a class, assistance with a health problem, residence in new housing, or receipt of special cash benefits. program processThe program process may be simple or complicated, short or long, but it is designed to have some impact on the cases.
9 The direct product of the program’s service delivery output. process is its output. Program outputs may include clients served, case managers trained, food parcels delivered, or arrests made. The program outputs may be desirable in themselves, but they primarily serve to indicate that the program is operating.
10 outcomesProgram outcomes indicate the impact of the program on the cases that have been processed. Outcomes can range from improved test scores or higher rates of job retention to fewer criminal offenses and lower rates of poverty. Any social program is likely to have multiple outcomes, some intended and some unintended, some positive and others that are viewed as negative.
11 Variation in both outputs and outcomes, in turn, feedback influence the inputs to the program through a feedback process. If not enough clients are being served, recruitment of new clients may increase. If too many negative side effects result from a trial medication, the trials may be limited or terminated. If a program does not appear to lead to improved outcomes, clients may go elsewhere.
12 The evaluation process as a whole, and feedback in particular, can be understood only in relation to the interests and perspective of program stakeholders. StakeholdersStakeholders are those individuals and groups who have some basis of concern with the program. They might be clients, staff, managers, funders, or the public. Who the program stakeholders are and what role they play in the program evaluation will have tremendous consequences for the research.
13 Alternatives in evaluation designs Evaluation research tries to learn if, and how, real-world programs produce results. But that simple statement covers a number of important alternatives in research design, including the following: Black box or program theoryBlack box or program theory—Do we care how the program gets results? Researcher or stakeholders orientationResearcher or stakeholders orientation—Whose goals matter most? Quantitative or qualitative methodsQuantitative or qualitative methods—Which methods provide the best answers? Simple or complex outcomes Simple or complex outcomes—How complicated should the findings be?
14 Black box or program theory Most evaluation research tries to determine whether a program has the intended effect. If the effect occurred, the program “worked”; if the effect didn’t occur, then, some would say, the program should be abandoned or redesigned. In this simple approach, the process by which a program produces outcomes is often treated as a “black box,” in which the “inside” of the program is unknown.
15 The focus of such research is whether cases have changed as a result of their exposure to the program, between the time they entered as inputs and when they exited as outputs (Chen, 1990). The assumption is that program evaluation requires only the test of a simple input/output model, like that in Exhibit There may be no attempt to “open the black box” of the program process.
16 If an investigation of program process had been conducted, program theory though, a program theory could have been developed. A program theory describes what has been learned about how the program has its effect. When a researcher has sufficient knowledge before the investigation begins, outlining a program theory can help to guide the investigation of program process in the most productive directions. theory-driven evaluation.This is termed a theory-driven evaluation.
17 Program theory can be either descriptive or prescriptive (Chen, 1990). Descriptive theoryDescriptive theory specifies impacts that are generated and how this occurs. It suggests a causal mechanism, including intervening factors, and the necessary context for the effects. Descriptive theories are generally empirically based.
18 Prescriptive theoryPrescriptive theory specifies what ought to be done by the program, and is not actually tested. Prescriptive theory specifies how to design or implement the treatment, what outcomes should be expected, and how performance should be judged. Comparison of the program’s descriptive and prescriptive theories can help to identify implementation difficulties and incorrect understandings that can be fixed (Patton, 2002:162–164).
19 Researcher or stakeholder orientation Stakeholder approachesStakeholder approaches encourage researchers to be responsive to program stakeholders. Issues for study are to be based on the views of people involved with the program and reports are to be made to program participants (Stake, 1975). The stakeholders and others who may be drawn into the evaluation are welcomed as equal partners in every aspect of design, implementation, interpretation, and resulting action of an evaluation—that is, they are accorded a full measure of political parity and control....determining what questions are to be asked and what information is to be collected on the basis of stakeholder inputs.
20 Social science approachesSocial science approaches, in contrast, emphasize researcher expertise autonomy in order to develop the most trustworthy, unbiased program evaluation. A program theory is derived from information on how the program operates and current social science theory, not from the views of stakeholders.
21 Integrative approachesIntegrative approaches attempt to cover issues of concern to both stakeholders, and evaluators. The emphasis given to either stakeholder or scientific concerns varies with the specific circumstances. Integrative approaches seek to balance responsiveness to stakeholders with being objectivity and scientific validity.
22 Quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluation each have their strengths and appropriate uses. Quantitative research, with its clear percentages and numerical scores, allows quick comparisons over time and categories, and thus is typically used in attempts to identify the effects of a social program. Qualitative methods can add depth, detail, and nuance; they can clarify the meaning of survey responses, and reveal more complex emotions and judgments people may have.
23 Simple or complex outcomes Few programs have only one outcome. Sometimes a single policy outcome is sought, but is found not to be sufficient, either methodologically or substantively. In spite of the difficulties, most evaluation researchers attempt to measure multiple outcomes. Collection of multiple outcomes gives a better picture of program impact.
24 Focus of evaluation studies Evaluation projects can focus on a variety of different questions related to social programs and their impact. Which question is asked will determine what research methods are used. What is the level of need for the program? Can the program be evaluated? How does the program operate? What is the program’s impact? How efficient is the program?
25 Needs assessment needs assessmentA needs assessment attempts, with systematic, credible evidence, to evaluate what needs exist in a population. Need may be assessed by social indicators such as the poverty rate or the level of home ownership, interviews with local experts such as school board members or team captains, surveys of populations potentially in need, or focus groups with community residents. In general, it is a good idea to use multiple indicators of need. There is no absolute definition of need in most projects.
26 Evaluability assessment Some type of study is always possible, but to specifically identify the effects of a program may not be possible within the available time and resources. evaluability assessmentSo researchers may conduct an evaluability assessment to learn this in advance, rather than expend time and effort on a fruitless project. Because they are preliminary studies to “check things out,” evaluability assessments often rely on qualitative methods. The knowledge gained can be used to refine evaluation plans.
27 Process evaluation Process evaluation:Process evaluation: Evaluation research that investigates the process of service delivery. Process evaluation is more important when more complex programs are evaluated. Many social programs comprise multiple elements and are delivered over an extended period of time, often by different providers in different areas.
28 Formative evaluation Formative evaluationFormative evaluation: Process evaluation that is used to shape and refine program operations. Evaluation may then lead to changes in recruitment procedures, program delivery, or measurement tools.
29 Impact analysis The core questions of evaluation research are: Did the program work? Did it have the intended result? This kind of research is variously called impact analysis, impact evaluation, or summative evaluation. Impact analysissummative evaluationImpact analysis (also called summative evaluation) compares what happened after a program was implemented with what would have happened had there been no program at all.
30 Efficiency analysis Finally, a program may be evaluated for how efficiently it provides its benefit; typically, financial measures are used. Cost-benefit analysisCost-benefit analysis: a type of evaluation that identifies the specific program costs and the procedures for estimating the economic value of specific program benefits. Cost-effectiveness analysisCost-effectiveness analysis: a type of evaluation research that focuses attention directly on the program’s outcomes rather than on the economic value of those outcomes.
31 Ethics in evaluation Evaluation research can make a difference in people’s lives while the research is being conducted, as well as after the results are reported. Job opportunities, welfare requirements, housing options, treatment for substance abuse, and training programs are each potentially important benefits, and an evaluation research project can change both the type and availability of such benefits. This direct impact on research participants and, potentially, their families, heightens the attention that evaluation researchers have to give to human subjects concerns.
32 There are many specific ethical challenges in evaluation research: How can confidentiality be preserved when the data are owned by a government agency or are subject to discovery in a legal proceeding? Who decides what burden an evaluation project can impose upon participants? Can a research decision legitimately be shaped by political considerations? Must findings be shared with all stakeholders, or only with policymakers? Will a randomized experiment yield more defensible evidence than the alternatives? Will the results actually be used?
33 Hopes for evaluation research are high: Society could benefit from the development of programs that work well, accomplish their policy goals, and that serve people who genuinely need them. Evaluation research can provide social scientists with rare opportunities to study complex social process, with real consequences, and to contribute to the public good. Although they may face unusual constraints on their research designs, most evaluation projects can result in high-quality analysis and publications in reputable social science journals.