Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Coastal Hazards Management Course Task 7.1: Monitor implementation Task 7.2: Evaluate the plan Task 7.2 (a): Indicators or benchmarks Task 7.2 (b): Update vulnerability assessments Task 7.2 (c): Update capability assessment Task 7.3: Continued public involvement Task 7.4: Periodic evaluation report Tasks in Step Seven Slide 42.1
Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Coastal Hazards Management Course Worksheet #5: Geographic Planning Area Policies Slide 42.2
Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Coastal Hazards Management Course Worksheet #5A: Community Mitigation Action Plan Slide 42.3
Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Coastal Hazards Management Course number of development permits issued annually reason for permits denial location of new infrastructure yearly number of new culverts/bridges acreage of wetlands lost annually number of new housing units in hazard areas number and location of new mobile home units evacuation route capacity in relation to population growth number of businesses that purchase flood insurance percentage of vacant land/uninhabited structures in hazard areas number of repetitive flood damage properties sold/acquired/relocated Benchmarks of Progress Slide 42.4
Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Coastal Hazards Management Course Task 8.1: Designate an executive position to review and present the plan Task 8.2: Local governing body decides whether to authorize Tasks in Step Eight Slide 42.5
Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning VI Coastal Hazards Management Course Task 9.1: Follow Local Governing Body’s Standard Legal Processes Task 9.2: Hold Public Meetings Task 9.3: Incorporate Public Comments and Revise the Plan Task 9.4: Submit the Plan to State authorities and FEMA Tasks in Step Nine Slide 42.6