1 G4MICE Analysis of KEK Test Beam Aron Fish Malcolm Ellis CM15 10th June 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 G4MICE Analysis of KEK Test Beam Aron Fish Malcolm Ellis CM15 10th June 2006

2 Contents KEK Test Beam Set Up KEK Visualisation (MICEModel) G4MICE Status Data set TOF Set Up TOF Analysis Sci-Fi Tracker Prototype Sci-Fi Tracker Analysis Summary & Next Steps KEK Test Beam Set Up KEK Visualisation (MICEModel) G4MICE Status Data set TOF Set Up TOF Analysis Sci-Fi Tracker Prototype Sci-Fi Tracker Analysis Summary & Next Steps

3 KEK Test Beam Set Up Purpose: Test performance of Tracker prototype in 1-Tesla magnetic field.

4 MICEModel work in G4MICE The MICEModel in G4MICE is used to represent any stage of MICE in any level of detail. Representations of the model are produced for specific purposes (Simulation, Reconstruction, Visualisation…). I will just mention the code and files implemented for the KEK Test Beam. The Model allows us to have the same geometry for the Reconstruction of Data and Geant4 Simulation, so that they can be compared. Configuration files have also been implemented, which list the material, location and orientation etc. of each module in the MICEModel (TOF, SciFi…) with respect to the other modules. Configuration files have now been implemented including all the MICEModules (Detectors, Magnets, AFCs…) by Ben and Mike + others for all 6 stages of MICE situated in the Hall at RAL. M. Ellis will talk about this more in the software summary talk tomorrow. The MICEModel in G4MICE is used to represent any stage of MICE in any level of detail. Representations of the model are produced for specific purposes (Simulation, Reconstruction, Visualisation…). I will just mention the code and files implemented for the KEK Test Beam. The Model allows us to have the same geometry for the Reconstruction of Data and Geant4 Simulation, so that they can be compared. Configuration files have also been implemented, which list the material, location and orientation etc. of each module in the MICEModel (TOF, SciFi…) with respect to the other modules. Configuration files have now been implemented including all the MICEModules (Detectors, Magnets, AFCs…) by Ben and Mike + others for all 6 stages of MICE situated in the Hall at RAL. M. Ellis will talk about this more in the software summary talk tomorrow.

5 MICEModel Set Up of KEK Test Beam T1 & R1 Counters ACC Pb Diffuser TOF Hodoscope (Blue & Green Slabs) Solenoid (White)

6 MICEModel Set Up of KEK Test Beam T1 Counter R1 Counter ACC Pb Diffuser

7 MICEModel Set Up of KEK Test Beam



10 G4MICE Status The TOF Decoding, Cabling & calibration files & code have now been written and used in G4MICE. Atsushi’s time walk corrections have been used and implemented into G4MICE. The TOF Reconstruction code has now been produced including “TofSlabHits” & ”TofSpacePoints”. VLPC decoding used is that from Osaka (jp map 12). VLPC calibration used is that made by Malcolm in November Common Mode Noise algorithm updated (use similar technique to that described by Hideyuki). Clustering algorithm unchanged (2.0 PE total light in a cluster, neighbouring hits are summed). Space point code now takes into account arbitrary rotations and misalignments (no longer requires trackers to be perpendicular to the Z axis!). Track reconstruction used for this analysis not final one. The TOF Decoding, Cabling & calibration files & code have now been written and used in G4MICE. Atsushi’s time walk corrections have been used and implemented into G4MICE. The TOF Reconstruction code has now been produced including “TofSlabHits” & ”TofSpacePoints”. VLPC decoding used is that from Osaka (jp map 12). VLPC calibration used is that made by Malcolm in November Common Mode Noise algorithm updated (use similar technique to that described by Hideyuki). Clustering algorithm unchanged (2.0 PE total light in a cluster, neighbouring hits are summed). Space point code now takes into account arbitrary rotations and misalignments (no longer requires trackers to be perpendicular to the Z axis!). Track reconstruction used for this analysis not final one.

11 Low Momentum Data Set 250 MeV/c B = 0,  = 0: Runs 1426 & 1427 B = 1,  = 3: Runs 1360 & MeV/c B = 1,  = 3: Runs 1376, 1381 & 1382 B = 1,  = 6: Run MeV/c B = 0,  = 0: Runs 1426 & 1427 B = 1,  = 3: Runs 1360 & MeV/c B = 1,  = 3: Runs 1376, 1381 & 1382 B = 1,  = 6: Run 1342

12 High Momentum Data Set 3 GeV/c B = 0,  = 0: Runs 1257, 1258 & 1272 B = 0,  = 6: Runs 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1297, 1300, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1306, 1307, 1309 & 1311 B = 1,  = 6: Runs 1315 & 1317 Total triggers (98408 low, high) pass cuts (L1A and tracking) low high 3 GeV/c B = 0,  = 0: Runs 1257, 1258 & 1272 B = 0,  = 6: Runs 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1297, 1300, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1306, 1307, 1309 & 1311 B = 1,  = 6: Runs 1315 & 1317 Total triggers (98408 low, high) pass cuts (L1A and tracking) low high

13 TOF Set Up (KEK) PMT Light guide Scintillator 5 X 5 Hodoscope

14 TOF Analysis 1 Black Black: 3 GeV/c Red Red: 325 MeV/c Blue Blue: 250 MeV/c

15 TOF Selection “High P” “Low P Electrons” “Low P Muons”

16 L1A Selection

17 Sci-Fi Prototype Prototype Tracker consisted of 4 stations. Stations B & D - 3 Views Stations A & C - 2 Views Readout - VLPCs, AFEII, Cryostat. X ViewV ViewW View Station D2,500 ppm 5,000 ppm Station Amixture5,000 ppm Station C5,000 ppm Station B5,000 ppm2,500 ppm3,500 ppm

18 VLPC Hits Common Mode Noise algorithm now similar to that used by Osaka group. Pedestals and gains those presented on 18 th November Common Mode Noise algorithm now similar to that used by Osaka group. Pedestals and gains those presented on 18 th November 2005.

19 Sci-Fi Space Points

20 SciFi Space Points













33 Sci-Fi Summary 1/2 Low mom.  Low mom. eHigh mom. Station A Plane V Station A Plane X Station B Plane V Station B Plane X Station B Plane W Station C Plane X Station C Plane W Station D Plane V Station D Plane X Station D Plane W

34 SciFi Summary 2/2 Low mom.  Low mom. e High mom. Cosmic Rays Old Old Old New No Plot4.91 New

35 Summary & Next Steps… Implement correct digitisation of TOF in DetResp. Update Persist package to take into account modified TOF and SciFi classes (new methods). Test each stage of the Reconstruction (hits, clusters, points, tracks, matching) using the Geant4 simulation of test beam. Test Reconstruction of real data (TOF & SciFi). Implement correct digitisation of TOF in DetResp. Update Persist package to take into account modified TOF and SciFi classes (new methods). Test each stage of the Reconstruction (hits, clusters, points, tracks, matching) using the Geant4 simulation of test beam. Test Reconstruction of real data (TOF & SciFi).