CLA T RAINING May 21, 2010
A GENDA Welcome and Snacks Elementary Software Survey Introduction Log in and take Review Follow up Net Safety and Searching for Information What do students need to know and do? Top ten skills Top ten websites Top ten software programs Collaboration
2010 ELEMENTARY COMPUTER S OFTWARE S URVEY Log in to the CLA Wiki Click on the link under the survey Begin In your you will find a link to forward the survey to the remainder of your faculty, or post the link on your teacher computer and this week have each teacher complete the survey as they come in for computer time.
N ET S AFE AND S AFE S EARCHES Net Safe Utah Kid Search Ask for Kids Safe Search for Kids Boolean Searching Advanced searching to be more successful Boolify
W HAT DO S TUDENTS N EED TO K NOW AND D O ? Alan November Alan November was one of the first major educators to embrace modern web technologies (commonly referred to as Web 2.0) in elementary, middle and high schools. He was one of the initial five Christa McAuliffe Educators. He co-founded the Institute for Education Leadership and Technology at Stanford University. He is the author of Empowering Students with Technology and Web Literacy for Educators.Empowering Students with Technology Web Literacy for Educators Alan November quotes: "Technology has become an indispensable tool in the education of today’s students." "We need to emphasize the necessity of students learning with others around the world and stress that 3 skills are needed to teach our children. "We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." "The past 25 years in technology have been the warm-up act. What we are now entering is the MAIN EVENT which is the era in which technology will truly transform every aspect of business, government, education and society of life." Alan November's 3 Main Points 1. We need to teach our students to deal with massive amounts of information. (Information Literacy) 2. We need to teach our student global communication, starting with Kindergarten. (Communication) 3. We need to teach our students to be self-directed and understand how to organize more and more of their own learning. (Motivation) Do our students know how?
T OP T EN S KILLS TO L EARN According to the 2010 Horizon Report2010 Horizon Report Near Term Cloud computing Collaborative environment Next horizon Game-based learning Mobile devises Far term Horizon Augmented reality (GPS, video, patterning, discovery based learning Flexible display (think iPad, Ipod, touch screen)
T OP T EN W EB S ITES Top Fourteen (according to Microsoft) Top Math Sites Best Sites for Teachers
C OLLABORATION AND Y OU What does “collaboration” sound like to you? Would collaboration work? Why? A model and a plan?
A T EMPLATE FOR COLLABORATION P LANNING Teacher/CLA Names Grade Level Unit or Lesson overview: Time Frame: Content or Subject area: Core Standards: Technology Standards Cooperative Plan What teacher will do: What CLA will do: Resources: Resources, text, Web sources Software Equipment Product or End Activity Assessment Attachments Adaption
W HAT ’ S N EW Share with the group? Anything new and exciting?