Information Systems Infrastructure (IS3314) 3 rd year BIS 2006 / 2007 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems
Last week BIS class of 2005: what do graduates do? 68% in employment, 28% further study Of those employed 60% “analysts” 39% in consulting, 31% in Financial Services Difference between Accounting and Finance IS Accounting : short term, transactional Finance : longer term, planning HR processes Recruit, Manage, Reward, Develop Placement process Search, Contact, Send CV, Aptitude Test, Feedback & Offer HR web-sites (eg. for placement companies): Compare and score strengths, weaknesses Schwabb case study (benefits of web based HR applications) eg. Holiday planning from home
This week E-business and HR HR Management (Strategic, Tactical, Operational) Framework for benefits (employer, employee and job seeker) Schwab case study and question The On-line employee (handout) O’Brien Chapter 7 section II (handout)
Electronic business E-business means the use of the internet and other networks and information technologies to support: electronic commerce enterprise communications and collaboration web-enabled business processes within the enterprise & with customers / suppliers
E-business trends Access to information no longer a barrier Automate all non value-adding business processes Move away from standalone in-house systems Toward cross functional systems (eg. ERP) Integration has emerged as critical issue Inclusion of business partners (customers, suppiers, …) Build to order model (Just in time manufacturing)
Human Resource Management Manpower Planning Labor Force Tracking Labor Cost Analysis Turnover Analysis Recruitment Workforce Planning Skill assessment Performance evaluation Payroll control Benefits Administration Compensation effectiveness Benefits Analysis Contract costing Salary forecast Succession planning Performance appraisal plans Training effectiveness Career matching Staffing Training & Development Compensation Administration Strategic Systems Tactical Systems Operational Systems
Framework for benefits Employer Employee Job seeker
“Schweb” - Technology n Managers have access to online access to accurate information about employees. n Online directory is easier to update & maintain. n Employees have more personalized information about themselves, their roles, and the organization. n Employees can find information faster, enables them to serve customers faster and more effectively.
Some “Schweb” – Applications n Learning Intranet n eTimesheets n Benefit forms (eForms)
n Benefits of using the Web-based HR applications was a reduction in their administrative workloads by about 65 percent. n More time could be spent on proactive tasks, such as developing training profiles for each position in the organization. n Major reductions in the amount of paperwork HR personnel had to process for employees. OneWorkplace: Web-based HR
n Better control on vacation time entitlements and usage (eBenefits’ VirtualHR service). n Saved time, effort, and money by eliminating the incidences of overpayments on vacation entitlements. Genalytics: Web-based HR
n Better control and updating on key employee milestones such as promotions, raises, etc. (NuView Systems’ MyHRIS) n Saved time and effort in tracking employees to get the paper process completed. BuildNet: Web-based HR
n Applying some of lessons from e-Commerce to: n Reduce costs n Improve productivity n Create more satisfying work environment n Treat employees as customers n On-line People Management n Benefits administration or health care information n Online business processes n (eg. Access to knowledge management databases) n Online community services (eg. discount purchasing) Business to employee systems
n Reduced interaction costs and improved productivity n eg. Bid online for slots on aircraft crews n Eg. On-line manual and catalog system for maintenance engineers working on aircraft repair (cuts engine repair time by 50%) n Employee self service n Employee takes control n selecting benefits n finding and taking training courses n scheduling work n Mass customisation of relations with employees n Help employees navigate through the choices Benefits for on-line employee
n Undertsand what employee really wants n Identify a killer app n Create an integrated corporate portal n “Monetise” the human asse 4 stages in building Business to employee systems