動名詞 不定詞 動名詞 不定詞 作者:余綺芳、林平、陳怡君. 1. 和 的意思是 完全不一樣的喔! Stop to eat. 停下來吃(本來在做別的事,現在開始吃) Stop eating. 停止不吃(本來在吃,現在不吃了) Stop + VingStop + to + RV 重要補充 1 請各位同學要記住喔.


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Presentation transcript:

動名詞 不定詞 動名詞 不定詞 作者:余綺芳、林平、陳怡君

1. 和 的意思是 完全不一樣的喔! Stop to eat. 停下來吃(本來在做別的事,現在開始吃) Stop eating. 停止不吃(本來在吃,現在不吃了) Stop + VingStop + to + RV 重要補充 1 請各位同學要記住喔 !

重要補充 2 3. VS I remember to eat the lunch. 我記得要去吃午餐 I remember eating the lunch. 我記得我已吃了午餐 2. VS I forgot to take medicine. 我忘了要吃藥 I forgot taking medicine. 我忘了我已經吃過藥了 forget + to + RVforget + Ving remember + to + RVremember + Ving

動名詞的用法:介系詞 at, about, by, in, on, of, from, with, without, be like 後面要用動名詞 1. He left without saying anything. 2. I’m thinking about changing a job. Practice: He learns new words by reading newspaper. 例句

due, ready apt,likely able,doomed glad,anxious + to V eager,inclined bound,prepared →He’s likely to arrive a bit late. →I’m glad to be here. be 不定詞的用法 Give it a try!!!

Put the following verbs into the right groups. gerundinfinitiveboth finishwantlove hate wish Care for love enjoy suggest start hope finish plan stop begin agree try expect forget stand learn Example Answers are in the next page.

Check the answers. bothinfinitivegerund forget love stop try plan learn finish hate agree hope suggest start care for begin enjoystand Practice love forget stop learn tryfinish hate agree plan suggest start enjoy hope Care for begin stand