Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania NEW CMB CONSTRAINTS ON THE DENSITIES OF HOT AND COLD DARK MATTER FROM THE.


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Presentation transcript:

Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania NEW CMB CONSTRAINTS ON THE DENSITIES OF HOT AND COLD DARK MATTER FROM THE CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 exp 9911 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 pipeline CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 Budget PARAMETERS OF THE “MINIMAL COSMOLOGICAL STANDARD MODEL” Matter budget Input fluctuations  QScalar normalization  nScalar tilt   Running of tilt  T/STensor normalization  n T Tensor tilt Extensions:  B-fields  Generalized dark matter, e.g. quintessence Extensions:  Isocurvature  Topological defects  Other non-Gaussian Extensions:  Stochastic bias  Non-linear bias  Scale-dependent bias  Galaxy type dependent bias  CMB foreground parameters Gastrophysics   Reionization optical depth  bGalaxy bias Sum: 14 parameters Redundant parameters (determined by those above): Hubble constant, age of Universe, galaxy normalization  8, etc

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 Boom Box CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 ob CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 ob MOVIE: Baryon 5 Starring: Capt. John Sheridan CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 om CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 on CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 n CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 tau CMB MOVIE: The tau of physics Starring: Fritiof Capra

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 nt CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 Ok CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 Ol CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 exp 9911 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 mega CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 0 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 noclose d CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 1 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 2 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 3 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 5 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 6 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 7 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 8 CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 all65 5 CMB ALL DATA:

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 lyman CMB COBE + SASKATOON + QMAP + TOCO:

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 boom CMB COBE + BOOMERANG:

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 snake CMB COBE + PYTHON V + VIPER:

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 All65_n ucleo 1d CMB

Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania Dark 2K, Marina del Rey February 24, 2000 sz CMB