FROM STILL-LIFE TO LIFE International Workshop Torino, November 10 TH Politecnico KEITH SUTHERLAND – Belfast City Council
Social and economic approach to the intervention Development objective of the intervention Environmental and landscape aspects Operational and financial modalities / involved bodies
Site Location
the situation before development
After closure of town gas production the site was…. Derelict/listed Heavily contaminated Located in an interface area between two communities
The closure of the Gasworks in 1988 provided a unique opportunity to develop this strategic site for mixed-use development for the benefit of Belfast City. Belfast City Council in partnership with Laganside Development Cooperation have transformed this unused old industrial site into a high quality public facility and office park. Project Vision
Transformation process Objectives: Enhance the quality of life for those living in the communities Provide a source of employment Act as a catalyst for inner city regeneration
Transformation process Council spent €15 million (with ERDF assistance) on land acquisition, remediation and infrastructure development Gasworks Trust was established Mixed development with emphasis on creation of jobs Release of development plots (based on the criteria including number and type of jobs offered)
Outcomes Blight removal – regenerative multiplier New public park cycle/walking route, water feature, public art Private investment at ratio of 1:10 Sustainability of heritage buildings 4,000 jobs Income for Council
Outcomes GEMS – Gasworks Employment Matching Service
Outcomes GEMS – Gasworks Employment Matching Service –Instrument to tackle high levels of unemployment –Assists long-term unemployed local residents in accessing work –Secures employment and provides training –Ensures that local communities benefit from development –Co-ordinated network of employment related services –Received public funding (approx €400,000 over three years)
performance GEMS assisted 348 clients into employment and provided training to 347 residents 28 units for local start-up enterprises developed New public open space (ca. 4 ha) including new cycle and pedestrian connections By completion 61,561m² of commercial space at a cost of nearly €170 million Full occupancy will generate a rental income of ca. €9.5 million per annum
performance Rental income will generate annual development funding contribution of ca. €900,000 for reinvestment Project generates €3,570,000 in local taxation 4,250 jobs established on the site – projected to increase to over 4,500 jobs
Achievements Area developed that experienced disturbances previously Gasworks Trust formed at early stage in the development to represent interests of local community Chance to monitor project, check progress, identify problems GEM initiated to involve local people Local enterprise project-25 small business starter units Gasworks provides open space, amenities and employment for the local communities Geared equity rent - reinvesting surpluses back into local projects
Results: local impact Direct benefits: New public open space (ca. 4 ha) incl. water feature, cycle/walking route, public art Locally managed workspace facilities Local housing (46 units) Initial investment by BCC and Laganside Corporation attracted private sector investment Equity rent improves city competitiveness
Specific Lessons Political Leadership Overall Agreed Masterplan Quality Infrastructure Right Developer Good Project Management Skills Employment Initiative (GEMS)
Public Realm Location: potential for recreation/open space Walkway, public art and historic landscaping Pedestrian access to public gardens and water feature High quality of public realm attracted strong private sector interest
Environment risk of ground contamination, widespread contamination environmental risks were assessed and depending on the specific use recommendations for treatments were made constraints were dealt with in accordance with their future use and site clearance was undertaken
Planning Masterplan: created development framework Partnership managed through development briefs Appointment of six preferred developers assessment of submissions considered economic, social community and environmental issues Global responsibility remains with BCC
Heritage Derelict but listed buildings on site Gas Clock tower and meter house restored Area given a unique character through restoration of old buildings