ANIS: All Neutrino Interaction Simulation Marek Kowalski DESY-Zeuthen Workshop on Ultra High Energy Neutrino Telescopes Chiba,
Content Introduction The implementation of the physics: neutrino interaction, propagation,… Some resulting event distributions
ANIS Event generator for neutrino events of all flavors C++ code, using the CLHEP::HepMC library
ANIS FluxDriver Propagation FinalVolume events Interactions Decays HepMC::Event
Interaction Processes Relevant Standard Model Processes are implemented: CC, NC (structure function: CTEQ5 & two different extrapolations) Glashow resonance CC and NC cross-section data and final states are stored in tables. Tables of final states consisting of Feynman x and y generated before and sampled from by ANIS.
Flexible Design New processes easily added. Examples: production of mini Black Holes Instantons,… class SigmaNew : public Sigma { public: double SigmaNew::GetSigma void SigmaNew::FillVertex }
Tau decay Tau decay done using TAUOLA Polarization taken into account Table of final states (at rest) generated from which ANIS samples
Neutrino Propagation Preliminary Earth Model (+ 3 km ice) Regeneration effects included - NC: + N -> X + - CC: + N -> X + -> (+ , e ) - Glashow resonance: W -> l + l - Any new processes All secondary neutrinos are taken into account and further propagated
Example: Regeneration of Ratio of neutrino flux at the detector to neutrino flux at the surface (F(E)~E
Once final volume reached… Neutrino interaction simulated inside cylinder of variable size In case muons are generated further propagation necessary (e.g. using Dimas MMC, …)
Some Event Distributions Event rates of electron-neutrinos in a km 3 detector > >
Neutrino-induced Muons Simulation of mono energetic . Detector 1.7 km deep in ice. Muon propagation done with MMC. absorption target
Tau propagation done with a+bE approximation (valid up to EHE energies). Can be improved. Angle between neutrino – lepton neglected during propagation. Only for final CC interaction included (important for resolution studies at low energies). Weighted events: Physical flux (e.g atmospheric or AGN,..) is obtained by reweighting the events. Some current limitations of ANIS
Conclusions (Rather) precise event generator existing for simulating neutrino events of all flavors Easily extendable to new physics