High Resolution Observations of the CMB with the CBI Interferometer XVIII th IAP Colloquium - July Carlo Contaldi CITA
T. Readhead (Caltech) T. Pearson (Caltech) S. Myers (NRAO) B. Mason (Caltech/NRAO) J. Sievers (Caltech) J. Cartwright (Caltech) P. Udompraesert (Caltech) M. Shepherd (Caltech) A.Farmer (Caltech) S. Padin (Caltech) J. R. Bond (CITA) C. Contaldi (CITA) D. Pogosyan (U of Alberta) U.-L. Pen (CITA) M. Ruetalo (CITA/UofT) P. Zhang (CITA/UofT) J. Wadsley (McMaster) S. Prunet (IAP)
13 elements 0.90 m dishes 45’ FWHM 78 baselines 10 frequency channels GHz l~200 The Cosmic Background Imager > 5000m Atacama Plateau Chile
10-channel single pointing uv-coverage GHz single pointing uv-coverage mosaic pointings
CBI Power spectrum extraction Visibilities ‘gridded’ in uv plane [Myers at al. 2002]. Quadratic estimator solves for the ML band powers 6x7 field mosaic; ~10 hrs. 16 processor GS320 CITA Foreground templates projected out using known positions
CBI Mosaic Power Spectrum 3 6x7 field mosaics ~ 145’x165’ each ~ 40 sq. deg. [Pearson et al. 2002] “Silk” damping
Mosaic Window Functions
Weak Weak + Flat +LSS Flat + LSS + HST-h CBI+DMR [Sievers et al. 2002]
CBI Deep Field Power Spectrum BOOMERanG 2001 [Mason et al. 2002]
CBI High-l Excess Significant power above l= inconsistent with zero and 3.1 inconsistent with best-fit model. Secondary Anisotropies from Sunyaev- Zeldovich Effect? Amplitude ~ 4.5 higher than expected signal from residual low-flux sources Estimate includes 50% error in residual source flux.
Raw map
Total Signal
CMB + ?
OVRO & NVSS Source residuals
SZE Angular Power Spectrum Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (512 3 ) [Wadsley et al. 2002] Moving Mesh Hydrodynamics (512 3 ) [Pen 1998] 143 Mpc 8 = Mpc 8 = Mpc 8 = Mpc 8 =0.9 [Bond et al. 2002] Dawson et al. 2002
Simulation of Deep Observations by the CBI Input SZ mapReconstructed Signal
Bandpower Estimation with a SZ Foreground CBI Pipeline recovers input SZE signal at observed amplitudes Non-Gaussian scatter from the SZ signal is significant in the high-l band given the small areas observed Single Deep Field (08h) simulated observation
Flat HST-h Priors LSS parameters from CMB and other Cosmological Surveys
The CBI observations l<2000 give consistent parameters with those of previous experiments on larger angular scales Measurement of the damping tail at l>1000 6’ scales probing ~10 14 M O seeds of clusters High-l excess; Simulations show the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect fits the observed power for 8 ~1.0. This is in the high- end of the range allowed by CMB and LSS surveys SZE: high-accuracy determination of 8. Break 8 -Ω M degeneracy Ω Λ Follow-up on excess Extended mosaic data ~ 80 sq. deg. Improved hydrodynamical simulations Summary
Optimally configured for resolution of peaks Polarization upgrade nearly complete Calibration runs in August Polarization Observations 2002/3