Digital Literacy & Learning Communities: Supporting 21st Century Learners Josie
What’s changed? Increasing availability of network connected devices, especially mobile Shift in mainstream social activity - rise of social networking & social web services Rise of presence & geo indicators & services - fixed and mobile
persistent replicable searchable scalable (de)locatable Impact of digital
Three Models of Literacy Functional Socio-cultural Transformational Bélisle, C. (2006) “Literacy and the Digital Knowledge Revolution” in Martin & Madigan, 2006: Martin & Grudziecki, DigEuLit: Concepts and Tools for Digital Literacy Development Martin & Grudziecki, DigEuLit: Concepts and Tools for Digital Literacy Development (PDF)
Digital Literacy = digital tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement
Digital Literacy Supports and helps develop traditional and new literacies A life long practice – skills in the context of continual development of technologies and practices Critical reflection on how skills and competencies are applied Social engagement – collaboration, communication, and creation within social contexts
Mapping vision to actions Developing skills, competences and confidence Supporting innovation & expert practitioners Building capacity and sharing resource Equipping staff and learners to engage with and create learning appropriate networks