Alternatives to CsI(Tl) O. Tengblad/T. Nilsson Phoswich solutions GEANT-4 simulations Read-out electronics Multiplexing Swedish plans (Chalmers/KTH)
Olof Tengblad 2 Developments for calorimeter of R 3 The work carried out up to now by the groups of Santiago and Madrid have permitted to divide the calorimetro CALIFA in two parts that will have different technical solutions: a cylindrical “Barrel” around the central zone and a second solution for the forward end cup (8 – 45 0 ). Our contribution to the design of the calorimeter has been based in a novel solution using crystals of new generation and detectors formed by two layers of crystals (Phoswich). The task of the IEM group is thus concentrated on the forward cup Proton & detection Phoswich Electronic readout Discussed by I. Duran
Olof Tengblad 3 Protons: Using two E- detectors one can determine the full proton energy with a resolution of <5%. Gammas: Second detector placed to solve the ambiguity on the signal Phoswich: p- Energy resolution E Ep= 200MeV 20 mm LaBr E = 31 ± 1 MeV 200±10MeV ( E/E=5%) E = f( E 1 ) + g( E 2 ) Ep= 200MeV 30mm LYSO E = 67.5±1.8 MeV 200±7MeV ( E/E=3.5%)
Olof Tengblad 4 Phoswich and gamma detection 1.Simulations show that the probability of some interaction in first layer is very high, up to 80% 2.Simulations also show that the fraction of energy absorbed in 5 cm of LYSO is > 80%
Olof Tengblad 5 Phoswich conclusion To obtain the optimum situation for both protons and gammas; First crystal layer relatively thick and of a material with excellent gamma resolution, LaBr 3 (Ce) of 30 mm = 380nm decay time= 16ns =5,3 g/cm 3 E/E=3% Second crystal layer Solution 1: Optical compatible materials & single readout Second crystal layer of a material emitting at shorter wavelength and with a different decay constant in order to separate the signals and that the second detector is transparent to the first. LaCl 3 (Ce) of 150 mm = 350nm decay time= 28ns =3,8 g/cm 3 E/E=5,5% Solution 2: Double readout Second crystal of a dense, non-hygroscopic material of worse resolution LYSO of 60 mm = 420nm decay time= 40ns =7 g/cm 3 E/E=7%
Olof Tengblad 6 Energía depositada: CsI, LYSO, LaBr 3 Eficiencia P/T 1MeV 10MeV CsI LaBr LYSO
Olof Tengblad 7 LaBr 3 LYSO mm LaBr 3 LaCl mm Phoswich Solutions to be tested Two crystals of different materials with a unique readout system? Optically compatible E E 1 E 2 E E 1 E 2 Two crystals of different materials but with separate readout system? Ordered, awaiting delivery from Saint- Gobain (august 2007)
Olof Tengblad 8 Ongoing Monte Carlo IEM to build a Phoswich prototype MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle ) Code _ crystals: LaBr 3, LaCl 3 and LYSO _ dimensions of the crystals: x= 10/15mm, y= 10/15mm, z= 20/30mm for LaBr 3, 30/60mm for LaCl 3 or LYSO _ E i (photons)= 5, 10, 25, and 30 MeV E i (protons)= 10, 50 and 100 MeV _ source to detectors distances= 25, 30, 35 and 40cm _ crystals separated by teflon GEANT4 Code Crystal 1 Crystal 2 x y z p+, p+,
Olof Tengblad 9 GEANT-4 simulations – preliminary (M. Turrion -> No gain in efficiency beyond 15 cm thickness
Olof Tengblad 10 E stage 1 µm E stage 400 ± 15 µm EURONS-DLEP: developments of detectors & readout electronics 64 detector elements á 7 mm readout channels The Solid Angle is 20% of the DSSSD but needs 4 times more electronic-channels! 256 detector elements á 9 mm 2 32 readout channels Novel thin window design for large-area Si strip detector Tengblad Nucl. Instr. Meth A525 (2004) 458
Olof Tengblad 11 MTM16: 16ch PreAmp, Shaper, Discriminator Charge sensitive PA, variable gain and polarity Timing filter & discriminator Spectroscopy amplifier Readout sequential or Zero sup. 16 boards = 256 channels to one readout bus All setting individual and Remote Controlled Low power consumption can be operated in vacuum EURONS-DLEP development together with Mesytec chained multiplexing, spectroscopy quality: MTM16+MDI-2 32 x 16ch cards = 512ch multiplexed to 2 readout busses into 12 bit ADC Needs some extra development to adjust to LAPDs, and to implement Pulse Shape Identification for the Phoswich solution Estimated final cost of complete readout 70 €/ch
Olof Tengblad 12 What to do: Multiplexed readout system. More and more experiments in nuclear physics require more amplifier channels, filter stages and ADCs providing high signal quality are needed at lower cost per channel. The most effective approach to reduce costs is early multiplexing within a front end electronics which is situated near the detector. From analogue signal processing requirements, the earliest stage for time multiplexing is directly behind the shaping amplifiers. One method of time multiplexing is to store the individual amplitudes as a charge in a capacitor, switch it to a bus line one channel after the other and digitize it with an ADC in a CAMAC or VME module. Several 100 channels can be digitized this way with a minimum of cabling and only one ADC. The proposal described here implements a simple time multiplexing with a zero suppression mode to overcome the long conversion time. In zero suppression mode not only the amplitude but also an address of the responding channels are transmitted. The implemented preamplifiers are of low power consumption for vacuum operation.
Olof Tengblad 13 MTM16 - MDI2 chained multiplexing, spectroscopy quality MTM16: 16ch PreAmp, Shaper, Discriminator Charge sensitive PA, variable gain and polarity Timing filter & discriminator Spectroscopy amplifier Readout sequential or Zero suppressed 16 boards = 256 channels to one readout bus All setting individual and Remote Controlled Low power consumption can be operated in vacuum The trigger signal from MTM16 is well suited as a high resolution timing signal. The MDI2 provides two TDC channels About 500 ns after the "gate" signal, the MDI2-sequencer is started and produces the clock sequence for reading out the MTM16. The incoming analog amplitude data are digitized by a 12 bit sliding scale ADC If above threshold, stored together with the ch address in a memory (fifo). After conversion ready the data can be accessed via VME bus.
Olof Tengblad 14 MDI-2 VME sequencer and ADC High quality 12 bit (4k) conversion with sliding scale ADC (DNL < 1%). 10 M samples / s per bus. Up to 512 channels can be converted Multi event buffer Zero supression with individual thresholds Supports different types of time stamping Connected frontend modules can be remote controled (gain, threshold, polarity). Address modes: A24 / A32 Data transfer modes: D16,32,64, BLT32, MBLT64, CBLT Multicast for event reset and timestamping start.
Swedish plans (Chalmers/KTH) The KTH and Chalmers groups will initially jointly focus on investigating novel scintillation materials such as LaBr 3 and LaCl 3. First prototypes have already been purchased by Chalmers and are being tested at CSIC. The KTH group concentrates on investigating an alternative optical readout of such scintillators using the new silicon photomultiplier technology (SiPM) The Chalmers group will concentrate on investigating dual-layer scintillator solutions and signal processing prototypes for wavelength-differentiated read-out. FLUKA simulations of demonstrator etc.? (M. Lantz, Chalmers) Both groups plan in-beam tests, e.g. using charged particles at TSL and tagged photons at MAX-Lab, in conjunction with the other calorimeter activities within SFAIR.