The Writing Process Comm Arts I Mr. Wreford
The Writing Process Prewriting Prewriting Planning Planning Drafting Drafting Revising Revising Proofreading Proofreading
The Writing Process Prewriting Prewriting A range of activity. Could be casually thinking. Could be a prewriting exercise. Examples may pop into your head. You may stop to list ideas. Prewriting is thinking.
The Writing Process Planning Planning Careful and thoughtful. Plan may include a topic sentence. States the main idea. Cornerstone of your paragraph. Will probably include an informal outline.
The Writing Process Drafting Drafting Sometimes it is a quick process. Sometimes it is slow and difficult. Write through the problems. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
The Writing Process Revising Revising Means “seeing again.” Writers often see what they meant to say. Don’t take background knowledge for granted. Set it aside for a day or so. Ask someone else to look at it.
The Writing Process Proofreading Proofreading The final polish. Consider grammar, spelling, and word choice. Look at connections. Set it aside, then proofread it once more.
The Writing Process An Important Point: An Important Point: The stages of the writing process overlap. You may change the order. You may take any step at any time. Eventually, it will get you where you want to go.
The Writing Process Writing for Right-Brained Writers Writing for Right-Brained Writers See definition on page 12. Rebel against step-by-step approach. Often intuitive, seeing the big picture. The writing process will work for you.
The Writing Process Tips for Right-Brained Writers. Tips for Right-Brained Writers. Find your most creative time and use it for writing. Use your rough draft as your prewriting. Give your brain an assignment. Realize that doing the grunt work is a necessary evil. Make a commitment to writing.
The Writing Process Writing Assignment 1: Writing and You. Writing Assignment 1: Writing and You. Turn to page 14 in the text. Turn to page 14 in the text.