International Polar Year An international study of biogeochemical cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes in the Arctic and Southern Oceans.


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Presentation transcript:

International Polar Year An international study of biogeochemical cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes in the Arctic and Southern Oceans

Metals Abundance & Biological Evolution Biological Evolution used abundant metals: essential Low abundant metals no bio-functions: toxic Pb 315 Hg 0.34 Cd ? 1.61 Ag 0.49 Zn 1260 Cu 522 Ni Co 2250 Fe Mn 9550 numbers of atoms versus 1 million Si atoms De Baar & La Roche (2003)

deep ocean ultraclean sampling: new titanium frame in clean-air container European IRONAGES 2001-today development

pdf available, just ask me

GEOTRACES traction winch (Kley France) with 8000m kevlar cable (17 mm) with internal signal cables

Advantages Titan system 3-4 fold more efficient station time than single GO-FLO on hydrowire no carrying GO-FLO samplers much faster turnaround sub-sampling system on shipboard always in clean room stations CTD data for physics now building new prototype samplers –18 Liter volume, –pharmaceutical industry quality plastics

GEOTRACES Test Station-2 Northeast Atlantic April 2007 RV Pelagia Five different hydrocasts at same position within 9 days

European IPY GEOTRACES aboard Polarstern coordinator: Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff (AWI) Pere Masque (Spain) 7 Be, 210 Pb, 210 Po, Th, Pa, 137 Cs, 240 Pu, 129 I Brad Moran (USA) Pa, Th PhD students (Netherlands) Fe; Maarten Klunder Al, Mn: Rob Middag Fe speciation/colloids: Charles-Edouard Thuroczy senior analist Patrick Laan and many other colleagues

Trace elements: Fe, Mn, Al, (Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn, Ag) calibration versus SAFe standard seawater trace metal speciation, notably Fe Ba, U, Rare Earth Elements Radionuclides: natural 234 Th, 230 Th, 232 Th, 231 Pa, 210 Pb, 210 Po 227 Ac, 228 Ra, 226 Ra, 224 Ra, 223 Ra anthropogenic: 99 Tc, 240 Pu/ 239 Pu, 129 I, 137 Cs isotopic composition of Nd, Hf, Be, (Cd, Ca, Si?); 18 O Other data: Nutrients(NIOZ) DIC (NIOZ or UPMC) POC/ BSi/ phytoplankton/ chlorophyll (program Hirche/Nöthig) DOM, fluorescence (program Amon) methane(program Damm) Tracers being analysed/sampled during Polarstern ARK XXII-2 Fe from above or below ??? Al dust source tracer; Mn, Ac and Ra isotopes sediment source

IPY GEOTRACES Polarstern ARK XXII-2High Arctic Ocean data Rob Middag

IPY GEOTRACES Polarstern ARK XXII-2 High Arctic Ocean Al data Rob Middag

IPY GEOTRACES Polarstern ARK XXII-2 High Arctic Ocean Mn data Rob Middag

Mn Fe IPY GEOTRACES Polarstern ARK XXII-2 High Arctic Ocean Mn data Rob Middag Fe data Maarten Klunder, Patrick Laan

Mn Fe IPY GEOTRACES Polarstern ARK XXII-2 High Arctic Ocean Mn data Rob Middag Fe data Maarten Klunder, Patrick Laan

Mn Fe Mn IPY GEOTRACES Polarstern ARK XXII-2 High Arctic Ocean Mn data Rob Middag Fe data Maarten Klunder, Patrick Laan

Antarctic IPY GEOTRACES ZERO & DRAKE Germany/NL Geotraces BONUS/GoodHope French Geotraces ATOS Spanish Geotraces Tasmania sector Australian Geotraces extended Indian Ocean section Japan Geotraces

BONUS ZERO & DRAKE ATOS Zoom in: Atlantic- AntArctic Basin Zero meridian - long existing hydrography program (E. Fahrbach) - longest existing co-sampling of CFC’s and CO2 since AJAX 1984 (Rhein, Hoppema) ZERO & DRAKE Michiel van der Loeff Hein de Baar Aerosols with Alex Baker

ANT XXIV/3, Fahrtroute Fahrtroute exactly under satellite trajectory

West Atlantic GEOTRACES Section Shiptime and studentships proposal to Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO) 2009: Iceland-Bermuda

West Atlantic GEOTRACES Section Shiptime and studentships proposal to Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO) 2009: Iceland-Bermuda 2009: Bermuda-Barbados

West Atlantic GEOTRACES Section Shiptime and studentships proposal to Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO) 2009: Iceland-Bermuda 2009: Bermuda-Barbados 2010: Barbados - Recife

West Atlantic GEOTRACES Section Shiptime and studentships proposal to Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO) 2009: Iceland-Bermuda 2009: Bermuda-Barbados 2010: Barbados - Recife 2010: Recife - BuenosAires

pdf available, just ask me Waugh*, Evelyn (1945) Brideshead Revisited, The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder.

International Polar Year Thank You for Your Attention Fe Al 29 Si Mn Zn Cu Ni Pb Hg Se Pt 234 Th 230 Th 231 Pa Ge W Au Ir Co La Ce Pr 143 Nd Lu Hf 238 U 227 Ac As