GLAST LAT Project 1S. Ritz All Hands Items 11 August 2004
GLAST LAT Project 2S. Ritz Announcements New team members introductions Project status highlights (Lowell) SSAC telecon 28 July –new LAT collaboration members: F. Piron and E. Nuss (Montpellier/GAM); M. Strickman and A. Checkhtman (NRL)
GLAST LAT Project 3S. Ritz Collaboration Meeting Draft Agenda Monday, September 27, 2004: 8:00 am registration / continental breakfast 9:00 amWorkshop on I&T Instrument Data Analysisorganizer: E. do Couto e Silva Tuesday, September 28, :30 amcontinental breakfast 9:00 amCollaboration Meeting 9:00 amAgenda Overview and Goals of Meeting P. Michelson 9:30 amLAT Project Status L. Klaisner 10:15 ambreak 10:40 amLAT Subsystem Status reports Tracker Calorimeter ACD Electronics and DAQ 11:40 amSummary of I&T Data Analysis Workshop E. do Couto e Silva Noon Lunch 1:15 pmReport on GLAST Multi- Planning and Needs D. Thompson / R. Blandford 2:30 pmbreak 3:00 pmPlanning for Data Challenge II organizers: S. Ritz, R. Dubois 4:00 pmVarious contributions organizer: TBD 5:30 pmadjourn 6:30 pm collaboration dinner at local restaurant
GLAST LAT Project 4S. Ritz Collaboration Meeting Draft Agenda Wednesday, September 29, :30 amcontinental breakfast 9:00 amcollaboration meeting 9:00 amPlanning for Science Operations and Science Data Analysis; Formation of Collaboration Working Groups organizer: P. Michelson 10:15 am break 10:45 am Various Contributions organizer: TBD 11:45 am Summary and Action Items P. Michelson noon: Adjourn (afternoon free for splinter meetings) 2:00 pm Meeting of SSAC 5:45 pm adjourn 6:30 pm SSAC dinner Thursday, September 30, 2004 Joint LAT Collaboration – GLAST Mission SWG Science Symposium
GLAST LAT Project 5S. Ritz Symposium on GeV-TeV Connections in the GLAST Era 30 September at SLAC Part of joint SWG-LAT series Outline of program: –Observatory Status and Plans (GLAST, MAGIC, HESS, VERITAS, CANGAROO, AS Arrays, Neutrinos) –IR background issues (Vassiliev) –Galactic Sources (TBA) –Galactic Center (TBA) –AGN (Krennrich) –Dark Matter and Tests of Fundamental Physics (Bergstrom – to be confirmed) –GRBs (Meszaros) –Particle Acceleration (Blandford) –Pulsars (Harding) –Discussion of plans, organization, working together (led by Ong, Thompson)