Careers and Employability Taught Postgraduate Students Tom McAndrew Careers & Employment Service
Content Career Timeline Applying for jobs Further study Employability Programme for 2010/2011
Career Timeline: Postgraduate Submit applications Attend interviews Start job or course
Career timeline Where are you now? Self knowledge What can I do with my postgraduate course? Matching Work experience Develop Employability skills CV Explore work and/or further study
Applying for Jobs: general Stating the obvious : Importance of good applications Closing dates
Labour Market 17.9% more graduates taken on in 2010 than in 2009 (top graduate schemes) Most areas growing except for law and public sector 45 applicants on average for each graduate scheme (70 for oil and energy companies) Lowest number of applicants for accountancy and professional services (15)
Investment banks, high street banks, accountancy and professional services recruitment up by a third Average graduate salary £29,000 Top graduate salary £42,000 In 2011 similar picture to this year predicted Source: High Fliers Research June 2010
Jobs: vacancies Jobsurfing Prospects Gradsouthwest Targetjobs Specialist sites and links
Jobs: occupations and employers Careers Information Room Free Directories Files Reference books
Jobs: occupations and employers ‘I want to work in…….’ What can I do with my degree? Your Masters...what next? Prospects Targetjobs Specialist sites and links
Postgraduate study Why do further PG study? Another taught programme vs research Academic vs vocational Who pays? Career prospects?
Employability Programme Workshops (jobhunting) Effective applications CVs Interviews The Interview Experience Assessment Centres Understanding Psychometric tests
Employability Programme Workshops (general) Negotiation Time management Many employer led
Employability Programme Mock Interviews Psychometric Test on line Widen Your Options
Employability Programme Careers Fairs Careers and Placement 26 and 27 Oct Law3 and 4 Nov Virtual11 Oct to 10 Dec Employer Presentations
Employability Programme CV Prize Draw On line Application Form Competition Floella Benjamin Career Development Award Exeter Award / Leaders Award
Last minute work experience Community Action Term Time Working (The Works) Involvement in Societies
Small change, big difference.. Good quality CV / Cover Letter and Application Forms
Where to get help Careers and Employment Service Reed Mews (Opposite Student Health Centre) Phone :00 to 5:00 (10:00 to 5:00 Wednesday)