Pulser Tool Peter Renkel, SMU
Just a reminder. Need to have some tool for L1Cal diagnostics and debugging, when there is NO beam. What we want to get from it? Supposed to be fired. Supposed to be fired. List of dead towers (dead, shows pedestal) List of uncalibrated TT (fired not in a right amount) Was not supposed to be fired – does it show pedestal? Was not supposed to be fired – does it show pedestal? Too hot Too low Had something like that in RUNI
When do we use it? No beam (especially during shutdown). Should run Pulser. Should run Pulser. Special run is designed to go through all 32 RunI patterns (each RunI pattern is equvalent to 3 RunII patterns) Special run is designed to go through all 32 RunI patterns (each RunI pattern is equvalent to 3 RunII patterns) These patterns don’t overlap. These patterns don’t overlap. After each store run for approximately 12 minutes then go offline and analyze it. If see any problem, go and fix it.
PulserTool versus Examine. Examine – beam, PulserTool – no beam. Luminosity issue Luminosity issue Examine - should wait for long time to get enough luminosity PulserTool – we by ourselves can drive the luminosity. Study specific TT Study specific TT Examine – depends on beam PulserTool – can go to a specific location and study it thoroughly. Time issue Time issue Examine - should wait till the end of run PulserTool – diagnose a problem, fix it, diagnose again, fix again etc.
How it works. Start a Pulser Run Read Events with L1Cal Pulser (Examine + info on patterns) Start Pulser Tool and analyze it (offline) Go fix the problems Rahmi Unalan
How the program looks.
What do we do first? Run the pulser. Read events (L1CalPulser). Turn on PulserTool (if not on yet). Save the run (saves the files into some directory). Press Button ‘Run’ to analyze.
Outputs for EM and HAD. 1. Dead channels Outputs for EM and HAD. 1. Dead channels (was supposed to be fired, but below the pedestal) Blue: Less then 5 patterns fail Pink: Greater then 5 patterns fail Red: All patterns fail (Problem)
Outputs for EM and HAD. 2. Uncalibrated channels Outputs for EM and HAD. 2. Uncalibrated channels (was supposed to be fired, but doesn’t show the right charge) (we use phi and eta symmetry for that) Blue: Less then 5 patterns fail Pink: Greater then 5 patterns fail Red: All patterns fail (Problem)
Outputs for EM and HAD. 3. Hot channels Outputs for EM and HAD. 3. Hot channels (was not supposed to be fired, but shows pretty high charge) Blue: Less then 5 patterns fail Pink: Greater then 5 patterns fail Red: All patterns fail (Problem)
Outputs for EM and HAD. 4. Low channels Outputs for EM and HAD. 4. Low channels (was not supposed to be fired, and shows pretty low charge) Blue: Less then 5 patterns fail Pink: Greater then 5 patterns fail Red: All patterns fail (Problem)
Outputs for EM and HAD. 5. Noisy channels Outputs for EM and HAD. 5. Noisy channels (show to be noisy) Blue: Less then 5 patterns fail Pink: Greater then 5 patterns fail Red: All patterns fail (Problem)
One can set thresholds in Setting submenu.
User can select some patterns to see their templates. Pattern 6
Clicking on the right mouse button, one can get thoroughful info on the patterns which fires this TT
Also, user can choose what coordinate system he prefers. Very useful for the problem fixing. Pattern 6
Huge crosstalk. Pattern, firing some TT may affect neighbouring TT, which are supposed to be at pedestal to: Make them hot. Make them hot. Make them low. Make them low. Don’t care much should look just at real problems (red) The plan for the next few days is to exclude those guys.
Illustration Green – template for Pattern 6 Red – hot EM
What’s now? Get an official release of L1Cal Examine (Chris). Put a L1CalPulser and PulserTool on top of it. Make an official release of this package. Get an official release of examine2b. Put a L1CalPulser and PulserTool on top of it. Make an official realease. Continue getting comments and suggestions from people.