4 Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit Presented by Ipsita Praharaj, Shalaka Ghawate Advisor: Dr. David Parent Date:05/11/04
Agenda Abstract Introduction - why - Simple Theory - Background Summary of results Project Details Cost Analysis Conclusions
Abstract Goal is to design a 4-bit ALU driving upto 30fF that can perform the following operations -FULL ADDER -AND -OR -NOR
Introduction ALU is a building block of several circuits. Understanding how an ALU is designed and how it works is essential to building any advanced logic circuits. Using this knowledge and experience, we can move on to designing more complex integrated circuits. Design consists of different kind of logic…Ripple carry adder, full adder, AND, OR, NOR, DFF, MUX.
Block diagram of 4 bit ALU Bank of 10 D FF 4:1 MUX Bank of 5 D FF Logic Unit NOR2 OR2 AND2 Arithmetic Unit Full Adder
Project Details -There are total of 19 pin outs in our design. including VDD and GND. -There are 9 D flip-flops at the input and 4 at the output. -There is a 4:1 MUX to select the output. -Create schematics and layouts for adder, AND, OR, MUX, in the cadence tool. -Test the schematic using test bench. -Create schematic and layout for 1 bit ALU now using the schematics for the basic logical units. -Test the schematic for 1 bit ALU. -Create the single bit ALU to create a 4 bit ALU layout. -Run DRC extracted and LVS check to verify the design.
DFF DFF are placed on either side of the combinational logic. Hold time= 0.586n(Fall) =0.515n(Rise) Setup time=0.521n(Fall) =0.450n(Rise)
Long path calculations CELLCg or Cin of load NSNNSPNMWNWP INV13.00E E E-04 MUX E E E-04 INV E E E-04 MUX E E E-04 INV_C7.883E E E-04 AOI_SUM1.5777E E E-04 AOI_C1.7703E E E-04 INV_C1.1466E E E-04 AOI_C2.045E E E-04 INV_C1.2747E E E-04 AOI_C2.081E E E-04 INV_C1.2917E E E-04 AOI_C2.2184E E E-04
Full Adder Schematic
Full Adder Layout
Full Adder LVS Report
2-to-1 MUX schematic
4-to-1 MUX layout
4-bit ALU schematic
4-bit ALU layout
4 bit ALU(LVS Report)
DFF schematic
DFF layout
DFF LVS report
4 bit ALU with DFF schematic
4 bit ALU with DFF layout
4 bit ALU with DFF LVS report
Transient Analysis
Worst case (Tphl)
Worst case (Tplh)
Post extraction simulation
Results The ALU performs all 4 functions at a 200Mhz clock and a load of 30fF. We meet the power specifications. Area of the our layout=192micron*375micron.
Cost Analysis Time spent on each phase of the project. - Logic design 1 week. - Logic check 1 week -Individual schematic 5 days - Integration of schematic blocks 1 week - Layouts 2 weeks - Post extraction check 2 days
Acknowledgements Thanks to Cadence Design systems for the VLSI labs Thanks to Professor David Parent for his guidance.