Sixteenth Section Land Program DELBERT HOSEMANN Secretary of State
MS Code Ann § It shall be the duty of the board of education to survey periodically the classification of all sixteenth section land under its jurisdiction and to reclassify said land as it may deem advisable because of changes of conditions, and when any land is so reclassified, the board of education shall file a report thereof with the state land commissioner.
MS Code Ann § From time to time the state land commissioner may institute proceedings to reclassify any sixteenth section lands which he may deem advisable and when any land is so reclassified, the state land commissioner shall file a report thereof with the board of education.
Miss. Code Ann. § (1) Sixteenth section school lands, or lands granted in lieu thereof, constitute property held in trust for the benefit of the public schools and must be treated as such. The board of education under the general supervision of the state land commissioner, shall have control and jurisdiction of said school trust lands and of all funds arising from any disposition thereof heretofore or hereafter made. It shall be the duty of the board of education to manage the school trust lands and all funds arising therefrom as a trust property…
Miss. Code Ann. § (1) cont. Accordingly, the board shall assure that adequate compensation is received for all uses of the trust lands, except for uses by the public schools.
State Lease Average Lease Classfication Catfish Residential Farm Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Recreational Forestry (Hunting & Fishing) Other Average Rent Per Acre $31.56 $ $12.84 $ $ $60.50 $53.16 $9.47 $55.94
16 th Section Land Revenues Surface $14,982, Investment $6,713, Timber $9,460, Mineral & Oil and Gas $14,652, Other $4,846, TOTAL $50,656,825.78
16 th Section Land Revenues Surface $15,808, Investment $10,130, Timber $9,144, Mineral & Oil and Gas $14,440, Other $4,768, TOTAL $54,292,624.02
Example Areas Sunflower Leflore Humphreys Leake Attala Winston Walthall Marion Lamar Jones Jasper Wayne
Agriculture ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Sunflower$76.00$15.00 $49.14 Leflore$141.11$18.07$89.20 Humphreys$133.82$19.86$76.53
Farm Residential ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Attala$50.85$2.55$6.40 Leake$129.74$3.04$8.29 Winston$24.51$1.97$4.24
Hunting & Fishing ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Attala$10.00$3.25$5.00 Leake$10.25$3.50$5.17 Winston$7.50$4.39$5.63
Farm Residential ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Jones$100.00$8.60$24.24 Jasper$125.00$2.37$9.09 Wayne$20.77$14.00$17.83
Hunting & Fishing ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Jones$12.50$4.76$5.69 Jasper$27.00$3.50$5.07 Wayne$6.00$4.50$4.96
Farm Residential ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Walthall$134.00$1.00$7.32 Marion$90.00$5.25$6.68 Lamar$187.60$5.31 $16.96
Hunting & Fishing ____________________________________ CountyHigh LowAverage Walthall (only one)$4.12 Marion$30.01$2.39$10.34 Lamar$6.09$5.00$5.27
Sixteenth Section Land Program DELBERT HOSEMANN Secretary of State