ChemStation - Level 1 - Training Sequencing concepts ChemStation - Level 1 - Training
Building a Sequence for Automated Analysis 1. Go to the Method and Run Control view. 2. From the Sequence menu, select New Sequence. 3. Edit the Sequence Parameters. 4. Edit the Sequence Table. 5. Select a Sequence Output. 6. Save the Sequence 7. Run the Sequence form the RunControl menu or the Sequence Table. A sequence allows you to automate the analysis of many samples and update calibration tables automatically. To define a sequence, go to the Method and Run Control view. From the Sequence menu, find the New Sequence menu item. This item will load a default sequence file, which is empty. Now, edit the Sequence Parameters. The Sequence Parameters tell your ChemStation where to store the sequence generated data files. The Sequence Parameters will also tell the instrument to shutdown at the end of the sequence, if desired. The Sequence Table is accessed to input the vials, methods, and replicates; as well as, indicate which samples are calibration standards, samples, or controls. The Sequence Output will indicate where generated reports should go and if a sequence summary report is desired. Finally, before beginning the sequence, remember to save it. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Sequence Parameters Part of Methods to Run Run Time Checklist Runs each sample vial in the sequence from sample injection, through data acquisition, integration, calculations and reports according to the Run Time Checklist of the method. Acquisition Only Runs each sample vial in the sequence from sample injection, but only does data acquisition. Reprocessing Only Repeats integration, calculation and reports for the existing data files. No sample injections are made and no new data is acquired. Wait time : time needed for equilibration after loading another method nRdy Timeout The nRdy Timeout specifies the time in minutes the instruments wait for the software to be ready with processing (for example complex data analysis) before the instruments switch off. This is by default set to blank, no limit. Set this value if you want to make sure your instruments switch off automatically in case the PC controlling them is switched off or runs into a problem. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Standard ALS Sequence Table Additional Columns in Sequence Tables: Sample Amount ISTD Amount Multiplier Dilution Data file Inj Volume See ChemStation Help File April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
WPS Sequence table The set up sequence starts with well plate 1 at location A1 to B4 and ends on plate 2 where samples from B5 to G10 are analyzed. Sample table set up screen Th Text Previous Home Next April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Insert Vial Range Standard ALS There are two versions of the Insert Vial Range: Short and Full. Use the short version to insert a group of lines in the sequence table when Method Name, and Injection per Vial will be the same for each vial in the range. Use the full version if these are calibration samples and Sample Name, Sample Amount, ISTD Amount, Multiplier, and Dilution will also be the same for every line in the group. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Fill in Sequence Table Using Sequence Table Fill Down - Standard ALS The Sequence Table Fill Down dialog box allows the user to select available vial ranges and column headings for the fill down function. It function allows you to edit current sequence tables much more quickly. The Available vial ranges are determined automatically from the currently loaded sequence. The user can select from any of the listed vial ranges. After selecting from the available vials, the range of values set in the ’From vial’ and ’To vial’ boxes can then be overridden by the user to fill a specific range of vials. The user may select any of the available sequence table columns and enter a value for the column. Some columns are specifically listed. These include: * Method * Sample type * Updating response factors * Updating response times The sample name and individual data file names are handled with a prefix and autoincrement counter. Once the selections for a particular column and value have been made, the user executes the change by pressing Apply. The user can then select a different column and a new value for the next change. When all the desired changes have been made, the Sequence Table Fill Down dialog box can be closed by pressing the Close button. Insert Values Apply April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
WPS Sequence table The set up sequence starts with well plate 1 at location A1 to B4 and ends on plate 2 where samples from B5 to G10 are analyzed. Sample table set up screen The Insert Location Range tool for the sequence table is a tool to help set up sequences in well plates. While a sequence table can be set up line by line, well by well, the Insert Location Range tool can be used to make the task less tedious by filling in blocks of locations. The Insert Location Range function fills in the sequence table for a rectangular region, bounded by the upper left corner ("from" location) to the lower right corner ("to" location.) Within the rectangular region the sample number can be incremented by choosing one of the Increment Directions: 1. Left-to-right in rows 2. "shortest path" or serpentine 3. Left-to-right in columns First, fill in "From Location (upper left): Enter plate number and row-column location. For example, P1-A1 for plate #1, well A1, or can be abbreviated 1A1 Then, fill in "To Location (lower right): Enter the plate/well designation at the end of the sequence of samples. Text Previous Home Next April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Partial Sequence Preview Use the Run Partial Sequence dialog box to preview the sequence in run order and/or select specific runs for data acquisition/analysis. Every run is displayed in the partial sequence table in data acquisition order. You may select any of the runs for injection and data analysis. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Save the Sequence File Save Current Sequence The Save Sequence As items allows you to save a sequence with a file name of your own choice. You may also save the current sequence with the Save Sequence Tool. Save Current Sequence April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Start a Sequence RunControl menu Start button F6 Sequence Table Start the currently loaded sequence by selecting Run Sequence from the Run Control menu. Other places to start the sequence: the Start button, F6, or the Sequence Table. Before the sequence can be started, the sequence and the methods required by the sequence must exist. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Sequence Data Files Format for Automatic Injection: 003-0101 003 Vial Number 01 Sequence Line 01 Replicate Prefix Prefix01 Prefix02, etc. for a total of 8 characters The above information relates how the data files will be named. If you select Auto, then the format will be vial number, sequence line, then replicate. If you select Prefix/Counter, you insert a prefix and a counter. The counter is incremented by the ChemStation with each injection. You may also enter a data file name in the sequence table overriding the automatic or prefix naming. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Sequence Sampling Diagram Wellplate Sampler Standard ALS The sequence sampling diagram is a helpful tool. It shows the sequence tray set-up according to your Sequence Table. Notice that the calibration vials are labeled. During the sequence, you are kept apprised of the current sample vial. Shows sequence tray set-up and sequence processing status. Click to set-up sequence. April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted
Lab Time !!!!! Lab 4- Sequence April 04, 2002 Agilent Restricted