G OOGLE READER E - READERS The effects of technology on our attention spans
B LOGS How do you usually read a blog? What are you reading for? How much time do you spend reading them? What are your expectations? Entertainment Information Instruction News
B OOKS : T EXTBOOKS, N OVELS, ETC Really (really) high costs… What do you read for classes? More textbooks, coursepacks, or novels? What are you reading these texts for?
G OOGLE B OOKS Do you use it? What do you use it for? Do you like the interface? Is it easy to use?
E- READERS CONTINUED … Are they too expensive? Do they complicate things? Idea of previewing a book/making a book an impulse buy Previews on songs, does the same concept work for a book? Does this change the expectations for the first few pages of a book? What would you use it for? Magazines Newspapers Comics Books