________CIVL114 LAB 4
Outline Exercise 1 – solving an intersection problem Point Style Rotate Modify Dimension Style Exercise 2 – stirrups Fillet Polyline Stretch
Exercise 1 : Solving an intersection problem in surveying Determine the coordinates of C (983.5,1340) (950,1200)
Open with no template - Metric
Step 1 Draw points A and B Change the point style Draw a line from point A to point B
Drawing Points Or press this button
Setting point style
Zoom extents (show everything drawn) Type z “enter” e “enter” (or use zoom buttons)
Turn on “node” & “intersection” object snap modes
Finish step 1 Press this button or type L
Step 2 Rotate AB by 49 o 27’ 18” to form AC Redraw line AB Rotate AB by 37 o 14’ 36” to form BC
Rotate Or press this button
Pick line AB (object to rotate) Pick point A (rotation center) Enter -49D27’36” (negative = clockwise angle in AutoCAD) oRotate AB once more, into BC (37 o 14’ 36” for anticlockwise angle)
Finish step 2
Step 3 Dimension the angle Modify the dimension style Use ID command to find coordinates of point C
Modify the dimension style
ID (to obtain coordinates of a point)
Exercise 2 : Stirrups Main commands involved: Fillet Polyline Stretch
Step 1 Draw two rectangles Round the corners of the inner rectangle using FILLET
Draw a 1400 x 1000 rectangle
Offset by 55 units
Fillet (R=35)
Step 2 Draw an arc and two lines at bottom left corner Widen the line width of the stirrups (lines inside the rectangle)
Circle Draw a circle with a radius of 35 units (type C or use “Circle” button)
Draw a line
Copy 2 lines
Delete Select the object and press “Delete” button. You can press “Esc” to unselect the object Or use ERASE (E) command
Polyline Or type PEDIT
Finish Step 2
Step 3 Dimensioning Modify the dimension style Stretch
Add tool bars
Modify the dimension style Or this button
STRETCH Mouse goes from right to left (“crossing window”)
Click to give (any) first point
Final (2800 x 800)