April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH1 Teacher Made Mathematics Mara Alagic, WSU John Hutchinson, WSU Mary Krehbiel, WPS
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH2 TM MATH is a research-based curriculum development project for engaging K-8 teachers in their own thinking and learning of mathematics via designing mathematics modules.
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH3 “All three investigators will cooperate in keeping TM MATH on track.” TM MATH Project
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH4 Mary Krehbiel: “will coordinate the teacher selection process” John Hutchinson: “will coordinate generation of module ideas and preparation of background resources” Mara Alagic: “will coordinate integration of the content and instructional strategies”
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH5 MARY
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH6 As Nobel laureate Herbert Simon wisely stated, the meaning of "knowing" has shifted from being able to remember and repeat information to being able to find and use it. (Simon, 1996) National Research Council (2000). How People Learn.
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH7 TM modules will serve as vehicles to bridge the existing gap between activities and conceptual understanding of relevant standards- based underlying mathematical ideas.
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH8 TM MATH Module
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH9 Patterns and Growth (for details, have a look at )
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH10 TM MATH Module: Patterns & Growth
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH11 BRAINSTORMING IN GROUPS: Generating module ideas
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH12 NEXT... Continuing recruitment MAY session Summer Institute Keep in touch!
April 20, 2002Mara Alagic: TM MATH13 Keep in touch! TM MATH TEAM