Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 RF BPM Status and Production Test Results
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity BPM Development R&D 1st generation phase I cold test BPM R&D 2nd generation phase II APS Injector Test Stand First Article production design 3 BPM test Cold Test 1st Generation ITS Test 2nd Generation 3-BPM Test First Article
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Comprehensive BPM Test Program Non-Vacuum Single BPM cold test unit complete 04/06 (Phase I) test in APS Injector Test Stand complete 09/06 (Phase II) 3-BPM test in APS LEUTL completed 07/07 Completed test matrix to prove compliance to specification Production phase ongoing
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, mm Wide Scan Data without removing beam motion 0.2 nC
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Single-Shot Resolution Test Procedure Use calibration to get a list of horizontal and vertical positions for each BPM Can do Model Independent Analysis (MIA) or Least Squares Analysis (LSA) Predict position at middle bpm (BPM 2) using horizontal and vertical positions at BPMs 1 and 3. Histogram the residuals for BPM 2 and standard deviation is the resolution
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, BPM Test Apparent Y resolution Y = 270 nm Courtesy Steve Smith
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, BPM Test Apparent X resolution x = 360 nm Courtesy Steve Smith
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, Hour Stability Measurement Courtesy Nick Sereno
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 LTU and Undulator BPM System Conformance Table ParameterSpecification Limit Measured Data (09/27/07) Resolution < 1 m 0.2 – 1.0 nC +/- 1 mm range < 0.6 m Offset Stability < +/- 1 m 1 hour / Celsius < +/- 1 m Offset Stability < +/- 3 m 24 hours / Celsius <100 nm electronics test / Celsius Gain Error< +/- 10 % +/- 1 mm range < 10 % +/- 1 mm range Dynamic Range, Position+/- 1 mm> +/- 1 mm Dynamic Range, Intensity> 14 dB
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 M1-Tool Works BPM Production M1-Tool Works awarded contract for machining bodies and transitions for all 40 sets of parts Production BPMs mechanically measured very good
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 BPM process flow chart
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cold Test Set-Up for Pre-Braze test All BPMs are tuned and cold tested before brazing Tuning accomplished by micro-machining end-caps Good correlation between cold test data before and after braze
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Preparation Before First Braze Average of 4 BPMs per week are pre-tuned and cold tested 30 BPMs cold tested and in process at this time End Cap braze procedure works very nice for consistent electrical results Pre-tune minimizes the need for further tuning after braze
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cold Test Stations 2 network analyzers are set-up to support LCLS BPM production Clean room procedures used when handling clean parts and assembles All parts are carefully fitted and tuned before sending them to be brazed
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity Production Test method and procedures optimized for production First few units required minimum tuning Tuning design working well when needed Good correlation from pre-tune data
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Tunable Cavity End Caps End-cap design mechanically strengthen Can retune once flange is installed Tuner is protected against accidental mistuning
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity Tuners
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Pre-Tuned Dipole Cavity
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity BPM Production Statistics S/N Ship date Dipole Diameter SPEC mm +0,-15um (mm) Dipole Frequency After Pre-Tuning (GHz) Dipole Frequency After final Tune GHz +/- 10 MHz (GHz) Monopole Frequency After Pre-Tuning (GHz) Monopole Frequency After Final Tune GHz +/- 10 MHz (GHz) 010 5/ / / /
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity BPM Production Statistics S/N Ship date Dipole Diameter SPEC mm +0,-15um (mm) Dipole Frequency After Pre-Tuning (GHz) Dipole Frequency After final Tune GHz +/- 10 MHz (GHz) Monopole Frequency After Pre-Tuning (GHz) Monopole Frequency After Final Tune GHz +/- 10 MHz (GHz) 014 4/ / / /
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity BPM Production Statistics S/N Ship date Dipole Diameter SPEC mm +0,-15um (mm) Dipole Frequency After Pre-tuning (GHz) Dipole Frequency After final Tune GHz +/- 10 MHz (GHz) Monopole Frequency After Pre-tuning (GHz) Monopole Frequency After Final Tune GHz +/- 10 MHz (GHz) 018 5/ / /
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Cavity BPM Production Milestones 1st BPM shipped 05/12/08 12 BPMs shipped date 06/06/08 Expect 13 BPMs to ship 07/01/08 Expect 13 BPMs to ship 08/01/08 Spares 08/08
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Receiver Electronics 1st generation Miteq standard product 2nd generation bread board to support phase II APS Injector Test Stand First Article production design supported 3 BPM test
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Receiver Component Status Most components received at this time Sub assemblies being built Test fixtures built
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Miteq Production Receiver Delivered First Unit Received 4/11/08 Critical parameters checked meet specification Received returned to Miteq to repair damage due to ANL test fixture over voltage condition
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Receiver Production Milestones 1st receiver ship date 06/12/08 8 receivers expected ship date 07/01/08 15 receivers expected ship date 07/31/08 16 receivers expected ship date 08/31/08
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Waveguide Kit Waveguide has been received and QA checked Expected Ship date 6/20/08
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 BPM System Layout and Integration X-band receiver LRU Beam
Bob Lill LCLS FAC June 16-18, 2008 Risk Mitigation for Integration and Commissioning Extensive System Testing Installation of production hardware on long term test undulator Qualified system with the same ADC (PAD) as SLAC LINAC BPM upgrade to minimize risk of integration Successful collaborative effort testing and qualifying BPM system