Biodiversity 04
AB Which do you like better? Circa 1910
AB Which do you like better? Sugar cane
What do you think biodiversity means?
Bio = Bio diversity What does “ Bio ” mean?
Bio diversity Diversity = Variety What does “ Diversity ” mean?
- “The variety of life in all its forms, levels and combinations” - Includes: ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity
Scientists have identified more than 2 million species. Tens of millions -- remain unknown The tremendous variety of life on Earth is made possible by complex interactions among all living things.
There are 3 components of biodiversity 1. Diversity of genes Chihuahuas, Greyhound and Newfies are all dogs— but they're not the same because their genes are different. Chihuahua NewfoundlandGreyhound
Diversity of species. Hoary Bat There are 3 components of biodiversity Iwi Kahuli
Variety of ecosystems Each one is different, with its own set of species living in it. Desert Tropical Rain Foresttiaga There are 3 components of biodiversity
Biodiversity has Intrinsic Value Intrinsic Value = Something that has value in and of itself Source: Burmbaugh © AMNH-CBC
Biodiversity also has Utilitarian Value Utilitarian Value = the value something has as a means to another’s end. Utilitarian values include: Goods Services Information
What do we get from biodiversity? Oxygen Oxygen Food Food Clean Water Clean Water Medicine Medicine Aesthetics Aesthetics Ideas Ideas
Should we be concerned about biodiversity? What we know: The Earth is losing species at an alarming rate Some scientists estimate that as many as 3 species per hour are going extinct and 20,000 extinctions occur each year. Some scientists estimate that as many as 3 species per hour are going extinct and 20,000 extinctions occur each year. when species of plants and animals go extinct, many other species are affected. when species of plants and animals go extinct, many other species are affected.
Threats to biodiversity Habitat Loss Introduced Species Pollution Population Growth Over-consumption HIPPO Dilemma
Biodiversity Hotspots
BiodiversityBiodiversity Collections on O’ahuCollections on O’ahu Accreditation criteriaAccreditation criteria Apply to campus tree collectionsApply to campus tree collections Homework: go to a ‘Collection’Homework: go to a ‘Collection’
Quiz: - Mammals - Birds - Fish - Insects - Flowering Plants - Total # of species recorded - Estimated Total # of species in the World 4,675 9,702 23, , ,968 1,413,000 ~ million species
Provide formal documentation of the world’s known biodiversity (living or dead) Museums, Zoos, Arboreta, Botanical Gardens, Public and Private Research Collections
Kaena Point Waikiki Diamond HeadKoko Head Kailua Wahiawa Sea Life Park Honolulu Zoo Waikiki Aquarium Lyon Arboretum Foster Botanical Gardens Honolulu Kaneohe Hawaii Kai
Education Education Research Research Species Species distributions distributions Species Species classification classification Conservation and recovery programs Conservation and recovery programs
Biodiversity Collection Accreditation Organization State Agency or Private Organization Community Visitor Industry Community Volunteers Historical Agreements
B.P. Bishop Museum Outdoor Circle Exceptional Trees Program Preserved Specimens Hanauma Bay City of Honolulu
How are these collections evaluated?
American Zoo and Aquarium Association - Honolulu Zoo - Waikiki Aquarium - Sea Life Park Hawai`i AZA Accredited Institutions
Aesthetics Quality living environments High level of enrichment and care Involvement in conservation Active education programs
Appropriate size Cages? Good signage? Structures & walkways are in good repair? Energy & Resource Conservation?
Under Construction— New elephant enclosure: $6.8 million New elephant enclosure: $6.8 million An effort to improve living conditions:
Behavioral enrichment? Social Interactions? Exhibits for the physical, social, and psychological well-being?
Encourage foraging by hiding food items Encourage foraging by hiding food items Man-made termite mound encourages use of tools to gather food Man-made termite mound encourages use of tools to gather food Frozen fruit treats provide entertainment Frozen fruit treats provide entertainment
Interpretive programs: Info on species conservation. Breeding programs: (ie. rare species) Participation in field conservation programs
Research examining stress factors in Hawaiian honeycreepers Research examining stress factors in Hawaiian honeycreepers Captive breeding of Captive breeding of African Hornbills African Hornbills
Good environmental education? Info on … ? - conservation issues - role of the institution - contributions to local conservation - promotion of individual stewardship Cooperative programs with institutions of higher learning?
Part of UH since 1919 Part of UH since 1919 School support program School support program Adult classes Adult classes
Attractive? Well Maintained? Does Design = Functionality?
The funding for the biodiversity collection has been cut so severely that it may no longer possible to maintain all of the individuals. As curator of the collection how do manage the situation?
You are the facilities manager.The director has some extra funds and wants to expand the collection instead of adding the backup water system that was identified in the master plan. You think the water system is needed to deal with a recent increase in attendance.
The new public relations firm has produced some advertisements that describe the facility as “Wonderful entertainment for the whole family”. Is this the way you would want to advertise the facility? Why or why not?
Your responsibility as a new intern is to take care of the 10 individuals of one species in the collection. When you arrive one morning, one of them is dead. You are relatively certain the death is the direct result of you not following procedures very carefully.
Write a 1-2 page typed Critique of the Medicinal Garden near Imiloa using AZA criteria. Provide background information Make 5 positive observations on this biodiversity collection Make 5 “critical” observations on this biodiversity collection and suggest specific remediation
Go to one of the major biodiversity collections and study it using the AZA criteria Report 5 positive observations on this biodiversity collection Report the 5 most important “critical” observations on this biodiversity collection and suggest specific remediation