Computer and Society Olayele Adelakun (Ph.D) Associate Professor CTI Office: Room 735 CTI 7th Floor Phone: Fax: Web:
Information Technology Challenges Technology has become embedded in the way we define and execute corporate strategy, the way we organizes and lead businesses, and the way we define a unique value proposition, but also, the is affecting the society behaviors, values, culture, relationship, etc. Distance and time have become much less significant determinants of market and organization structures and processes.
Information Technology Challenges The Rapid Evolution of IS/IT Hardware constrains Software constrains Knowledge constrains Information overload
Information Technology Challenges Regulated Monopoly Organization Productivity/ Efficiency Free Market Individual Individual/Group Efficiency Collaborative Enterprise and Industry Integration Value Creation Era I Era II Era III Administrative Framework Primary Target Justification/ Purpose ? ? ? ApplicationChallenges ? ? ? Integrating Changing Technology Platforms Intelligent Society, Human psychology Politics, wealth, Era III ??
Smart Mobs, Smart Environment and Smart Choices Where is the computering power? On large computers? On your desktops ? In your pocket? Ubiquitous technology Computer Everywhere Pants, shoes, buildings, cars, just name it Howard Rheingold. Howard Rheingold
Virtual Community to Smart Mobs Real World vs. Virtual Community London = Chicago From Portable to Wearable Steve Mann Steve Mann The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Who is it good for Who is it bad What is ugly about it