Overview/background Legislation Law reports Journals/indexes Free internet Legal research process : from the general (textbooks, encyclopedias) to the particular (statutes, law reports) to the most recent applications and commentary Legal research process : from the general (textbooks, encyclopedias) to the particular (statutes, law reports) to the most recent applications and commentary Unit 2 LRSP
Overview/background: Encyclopedias – topic - based or general Halsbury’s Laws of England – a general encyclopediaHalsbury’s Laws of England 52 volumes arranged by subject concise narrative description of the law extensive footnotes give key legislation, cases, cross references first published in 1907, 5 th edition now being published updated by annual Cumulative Supplement and monthly Noter-Up available online in LexisNexis Butterworths Textbooks – use library catalogue, Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Loose-leafs - relevant primary documents with commentary Overview/background: Encyclopedias – topic - based or general Halsbury’s Laws of England – a general encyclopediaHalsbury’s Laws of England 52 volumes arranged by subject concise narrative description of the law extensive footnotes give key legislation, cases, cross references first published in 1907, 5 th edition now being published updated by annual Cumulative Supplement and monthly Noter-Up available online in LexisNexis Butterworths Textbooks – use library catalogue, Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Loose-leafs - relevant primary documents with commentary Legislation Law reports Journal indexes Free internet
Overview/background Legislation: Halsbury’s Statutes (general) Halsbury’s Statutes 50 volumes organised by subject legislation is as amended annotations include amendments, key cases, other relevant legislation, interpretation info index includes alphabetical & chronological list of statues and subject index updated by annual Cumulative Supplement and monthly Noter-Up Current Statutes folders hold new statutes (S) available online in LexisNexis Butterworths Loose-leafs, topic-based statute collections Explanatory notes, Hansard research Legislation: Halsbury’s Statutes (general) Halsbury’s Statutes 50 volumes organised by subject legislation is as amended annotations include amendments, key cases, other relevant legislation, interpretation info index includes alphabetical & chronological list of statues and subject index updated by annual Cumulative Supplement and monthly Noter-Up Current Statutes folders hold new statutes (S) available online in LexisNexis Butterworths Loose-leafs, topic-based statute collections Explanatory notes, Hansard research Law reports Journals/indexes Free internet
Overview/background Legislation Law reports/citators/digests: The Digest summaries of key judments from 1500s organised by subject in 52 volumes includes Scotland & Ireland and some Commonwealth cases updated by annual Cumulative Supplement and Quarterly Survey subject index and table of cases includes judicial history (subsequent treatment in courts) CaseSearch in Lexis Nexis Butterworths has same features Current Law – (Westlaw Case Analysis) - monthly & cumulative volumes of case summaries organised by subject, with citations & judicial historyCurrent Law Index to the Law Reports (Red Books) and All England’s Index Law reports/citators/digests: The Digest summaries of key judments from 1500s organised by subject in 52 volumes includes Scotland & Ireland and some Commonwealth cases updated by annual Cumulative Supplement and Quarterly Survey subject index and table of cases includes judicial history (subsequent treatment in courts) CaseSearch in Lexis Nexis Butterworths has same features Current Law – (Westlaw Case Analysis) - monthly & cumulative volumes of case summaries organised by subject, with citations & judicial historyCurrent Law Index to the Law Reports (Red Books) and All England’s Index Journals/indexes Free internet
Overview/background Legislation Law Reports Journal indexes: Legal Journals Index UK/EU law since 1986 (in Westlaw) organised by subject and keyword, and case and legislation cited abstracts of articles links to full text only if available in Westlaw articles comment on specific topics; published more quickly than books Index to Legal Periodicals and Books Anglo-American law, since 1908 Includes articles, conference papers Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (non Anglo-US law) Journal indexes: Legal Journals Index UK/EU law since 1986 (in Westlaw) organised by subject and keyword, and case and legislation cited abstracts of articles links to full text only if available in Westlaw articles comment on specific topics; published more quickly than books Index to Legal Periodicals and Books Anglo-American law, since 1908 Includes articles, conference papers Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (non Anglo-US law) Free internet
Overview/background Legislation Law reports Journals/indexes Free internet sources Govt and non-govt policy, advice etc (eg, site:gov.uk, site:org.uk) SSRN –legal working papers (eg Oxford Law Research Papers Series ( ) Law Library websites have useful research guides, eg Free internet sources Govt and non-govt policy, advice etc (eg, site:gov.uk, site:org.uk) SSRN –legal working papers (eg Oxford Law Research Papers Series ( ) Law Library websites have useful research guides, eg And finally, the library catalogue…