D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Nuclear moments of isomeric states studied in transfer reactions in inverse kinematics moments of exotic isomers: where are we now and what we want to do in near future
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Nuclear moment measurements magnetic moment ( ) quadrupole moment (Q) single-particle configuration (configuration mixing) collective properties (deformation, effective charges) Spin-oriented beams
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, polarization alignment prolateoblate isotropic - decay – ray detection Spin orientation
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Magnetic moment = g I N = Quadrupole moment =. Q = Q(j) = what we want to measure
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, how are done these measurements
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, B J Fragment beam METHODOLOGY L = -g N B/h Measure Larmor precesion and decay I( t) Time Differential Perturbed Angular Distribution t=0 time Field UP Field DOWN 2L2L 2A 2 B 2 the relative phases depend on the g-factor time detectors at ±45° and ±135°
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Fusion-evaporation reaction basic tool for obtaining of spin-aligned nuclei in the past two-three decades fragmentation reaction the present tool : - 20 % spin-polarization (low yield) - 10 ÷ 30 % spin-alignment (high yield) where are we now
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, ALIGNMENT(%) +6.2(7)% GENERAL ASPECTS of g-factor measurements with fast beams 4. FEASIBILITY: SPIN-ALIGNMENT ! PROJECTILE FRAGMENTATION + selection in longitudinal momentum (slits in FRS or via ion-correlation) CONDITION: STRIPPED FRAGMENTS ! 61 Fe YIELD 61 Fe -15.9(8)% 61 Fe
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Higher spins for greater A. M. Pfützner et al., Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) ; K. Gladnishki et al., Phys. Rev. C69 (2004)
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, g exp. ( 61m Fe) = (2) I. Matea et al. PRL 93 (2004) Experiments at GANIL at intermediate energies (credits to Micha Hass, Jean-Michel Daugas, Georgi Georgiev, Gerda Neyens, Iolanda Matea and Nele Vermuelen ) G. Georgiev, JP G 28 (2002) 2993
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, keV M1 transition 654 keV M2 transition Q( 61m Fe; g 9/2 ) = 422(60) mb Quadrupole moments: 61 Fe test case 61 Fe exp. July 2005 principle investigators: Micha Hass (Rehovot) and Jean-Michel Daugas (Bruyeres-la-Chatel)
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, THE EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AT GSI: g-RISING Spin-aligned secondary beam selected (S2 slits + position selection in SC21) SC41 gives t=0 signal for -decay time measurement Implantation: plexiglass degrader + 2 mm Cu (annealed) SC42 and SC43 validates the event
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, The 136 Xe fragmentation experiment Z A/q 127 Sn analysis:L.Atanasova, Sofia
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, E2 E1 M keV 715 keV ??
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, keV 715 keV FFT TDPAD 715 keV
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, classical view quantum-mechanical view Population I = 2 E m =2 m =1 m =0 m =-1 m =-2 I=2 ensemble Necessary to induce polarization of the beam prior the measurement ISOL beams
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, The 63m,65m Ni experiment (I = 9/2 + ) (d,p) reactions Tandem at IPN-Orsay pulsed 6 MeV 1 nA D beam enriched 64 Ni/ 62 Ni (ferromagnetic) targets known g( 63m Ni) = (3 ) Muller et al. PR B40, 7633 (1989) HF field of Ni(Ni) = 6.90(5) T Riedi et al. PR B15, 5197 (1977) Part II: The future: Transfer reactions with RIBs
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, m Ni 65m Ni g exp. = (3) G. Georgiev et al, J.Phys.(London) G31, S1439 (2005) Ni exp Larmor frequency HF field Ni(Ni) = 6.90(2) T Experimental results ~ 15% alignment in transfer reactions at the Coulomb barrier (3 MeV/u) Part II: The future: Transfer reactions with RIBs
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, inverse kinematics 63 Cu 220 MeV (3.5 MeV/u) CD 2 target (2 mg/cm 2 ) Ni ferromagnetic backing (15 µm) permanent magnet for holding field Particle identification: Si strip detector (8 annular strips) as E CsI 16 sectors – as E detector angular coverage 25° - 60°
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence,
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, The CD detector of TIARA The CsI detector Particle detection with TIARA (in collaboration with Surrey, Birmingham)
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence,
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence,
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, orientation in transfer Single-nucleon transfer (d,p) – 65 Ni B 2 = 0.159(5) – 66 Cu B 2 = 0.452(13) – 64 Cu “standard” B 2 = 0.09 (?) with p- coincidences B 2 > 0.27 Multi-nucleon transfer states with higher spin become accessible (!)
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Towards the use of ISOL beams With radioactive beams the reaction products should be stopped in the target (isomeric state) while the beam should be let go through – very fine control of the target thickness needed Single-nucleon transfer: very clean experimental conditions (very few reaction channels opened) reasonable orientation from the reaction mostly single-particle states accessible very difficult separation of the beam/reaction products Multi-nucleon transfer: many more reaction channels opened orientation higher than in single-nucleon transfer multi quasi-particle states accessible as well the separation of the beam/reaction products should be easier
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Cu – target problems A CD 2 target of ~2 mg/cm 2 dose not stand ~0.3 enA (17+) 63 Cu beam (~1 E 8 pps) for more than 20 hours (~7 E 12 p) The effect is DOSE and not HEAT related!
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Targets: Hydrogen (Deuterium) storage T. Yildirim et al. PR B72, (2005)
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, collaboration (or in other words) who is doing the job GANIL experiments Jean-Michel Daugas, Micha Hass, … GSI experiments Gerda Neyens, Gary Simpson, Adam Maj, Micha Hass, DLB Transfer reactions Georgi Georgiev and DLB + few (but good!) students and post-docs who really do the job!
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, s isomers in the Sn region N=82 1g 7/2 1h 11/2 3s 1/2 2d 3/2 2d 5/2 N=50 J. Pinston et al, PRC (2000), J. Pinston et al, JPG30 (2004) R57, NNDC data base and this work d 3/2 -1 h 11/2 -1 Odd Sn Even Sn d 3/2 -1 h 11/2 -2 h 11/2 - d 3/2 -1 h 11/2 -1 d 3/2 -1 h 11/2 -2 h 11/2 x 5 - core h 11/2 x 7 - core h 11/2 - h 11/2 s 1/2 -1 d 3/2 -2 Brown et al, PRC71 (2005) Newly identified isomers
D.L. BalabanskiEURISOL workshop, Florence, Structure of the 19/2 + isomer in 127 Sn the spin-parity assignment of the 19/2 + isomer is based on energy systematics J. Pinston et al., PRC 61, (2000) ν suggested configuration: ( ν h 11/2 1 5 ) 19/2 +; g exp (h 11/2 ) = 0.24 the 5 isomers in even-even Sn isotopes take experimental values: g exp (5 ) 0.06 ν and are understood as an admixture of ( ν h 11/2 1 d 3/2 1 ) 5 - with g emp = 0.26 ν ( ν h 11/2 1 s 1/2 1 ) 5 - with g emp = 0.09 for the structure of the 19/2 + isomer an admixture with the νg 7/2 1 h 11/2 2 configuration is suggested in order to explain the l -forbidden M2 isomer-decay transition. g emp (νs 1/2 1 h 11/2 2 ) = 0.15 g emp (νg 7/2 1 h 11/2 2 ) = 0.23 the fragmentation g-RISING experiment yields g exp 0.16 LSSM calculations yield g SM = 0.21 (calculation M.Hjorth-Jensen)