Definitions Process – An executing program Thread – A path of execution through a process. A single process can concurrently execute many threads. Concurrent programming – Code that executes multiple algorithms at a time Critical Section – A resource or area of code that must be protected from unlimited simultaneous access by multiple threads. Mutual Exclusion – The mechanism for protecting a critical section. Monitor – A language construct in Java that utilizes the synchronized reserved word to enforces mutual exclusion.
Examples of Concurrency Note: Each thread has its own sequence of instructions JVM Interpreted instructions in a Java application or applet Garbage Collection reclaiming memory of unused objects GUI Listeners that respond to user or program events Operating System Respond to interrupts Schedule execution among processes based on a quantum or priority
Implementing a thread in Java Signature line: There are two alternatives: Add implements Runnable to the JFrame or Applet class signature line . Create a class that extends Thread. Program a run method (public void run() {}) Reference and instantiate the thread Thread thread = new Thread(this, "name"); thread = new Thread(new ThreadClass(), "name"); Start the thread (thread.start()). The thread ends when it returns from the run method.
Thread Example Assumption: round robin scheduling algorithm public class NumberThread extends Thread { private int num; public NumberThread(int num) {this.num=num;} public void run() { for (int k=0; i<5; k++){System.out.println(num);} } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int t=1; t<=5; t++) new NumberThread(t).start(); Sample Output: 1111222334445551223334455 Note: The order of execution depends on operating system scheduling
Other Thread Methods Name of thread: getName(), setName(String name) Thread Priority: getPriority(), setPriority() Give up control: sleep(long milliseconds), yield() Wait for thread to die: join(), join(long milliseconds) Get object of current thread: currentThread() See if thread is alive: isAlive() See if thread interrupted: isInterrupted() Preemption: Higher priority threads will run before lower priorities
Thread Execution Thread that run continuously consume all of the CPU cycles in the computer. Threads should suspend themselves during execution. Example of a run method public void run() { Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread(); while (clockThread == myThread) { repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InteruptedException e) { } } }
Critical Sections and Mutual Exclusion Only one synchronized method of a class can execute at a time Critical Section: A group of instructions that will fail if the number of concurrent threads executing it is not limited Mutual Exclusion: The technique that enforces a critical section Examples: semiphores, condition variables, monitors Java uses monitors The Producer/Consumer, Reader/Writer, and Dining Philosopher are classical computer science problems used to illustrate critical sections and mutual exclusion Our text has a producer consumer example We'll briefly discuss the reader/writer problem in class Lab 8 implements the dining philosopher problem
Monitors A mutual exclusion technique built into the language syntax Illustration In a barbershop, people wait for the barber chair those waiting make a mad dash to the chair when it is free No assumptions can be made as to who wins Java Every object is a monitor with a lock flag (i.e. barber chair) Only one thread can have ('acquire') the lock Java uses the synchronized modifier for this purpose. Acquire a lock: synchronized(object) { // critical section } Example private synchronized int add(int a) {x = 3; x += b; return x;} Only one thread can execute an object's synchronized method. Results are unpredictable if we leave off the synchronized modifier
Thread States Ready: A thread is OK to execute Run: The thread is executing. If it's quantum runs out or a higher priority thread becomes ready, Java will switch to another thread if possible Wait: A thread cannot execute until another thread notifies Block: I/O must complete for thread to go to ready Dead: run method finished Sleep: thread called sleep(). It must be interrupted to continue Ready Run Block Sleep Wait Dead State Diagram
Object Class Monitor Methods wait() – Move this thread to the wait state notify() – Move one waiting thread from the wait to ready state. The programmer has no control over which thread gets chosen notifyAll() – Move all waitig threads from the wait to the ready state.
Lab Assignment Dining Philosopher Problem Five philosophers Requires two chopsticks to eat Alternates between eat, think, hungry, famished, and starve Never puts down a chopstick until finishes eating Starve Eat Think Famished Hungry State Diagram Implementation hints Instantiate philosopher array of five threads Instantiate array of five chopsticks
Dining Philosopher Illustrates: Deadlock: The application cannot continue because it gets into a state where resources cannot be released or obtained Starvation: Some threads never get a chance to execute Critical Section: The program must limit the number of threads executing a part of an algorithm Idempotent Operations Operations that can be repeated many times without harm A pickUp method allows a philosopher to pick up a chopstick that they already own without harm.