FASR Status SPD Business Meeting, Jun 2002. FASR Science Nature & Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Fields Measurement of coronal magnetic fields Temporal.


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Presentation transcript:

FASR Status SPD Business Meeting, Jun 2002

FASR Science Nature & Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Fields Measurement of coronal magnetic fields Temporal & spatial evolution of fields Role of electric currents in corona Coronal Mass Ejections Birth; Acceleration B, T, n nt, n th Prominence eruptions Flares Energy release Plasma heating Electron acceleration and transport Nature & Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Fields Measurement of coronal magnetic fields Temporal & spatial evolution of fields Role of electric currents in corona Coronal Mass Ejections Birth; Acceleration B, T, n nt, n th Prominence eruptions Flares Energy release Plasma heating Electron acceleration and transport

FASR Specifications Frequency range~0.1 – 30 GHz Frequency resolution1%, 0.1 – 3 GHz 3%, 3 – 30 GHz Time resolution<0.01 s, 0.1 – 3 GHz <0.1 s, 3 – 30 GHz Number antennas~100 (5000 baselines) Size antennasD = 2 – 6 m Polarization GHz, full 3 – 30 GHz, dual Angular resolution20/n 9 arcsec Field of View19/(Dn 9 ) deg

Artists’ Conception of FASR

Timeline For FASR : Design Study (NSF/ATI) International Science Definition Workshop (May 23-25, 2002) Configuration; Software architecture; Site Surveys Design options; Costing (Current estimate $30 M) : Design and Development Prototype Major Elements Prototype Array (< 10 elements) Refine Hardware and Software Design : Construction : Design Study (NSF/ATI) International Science Definition Workshop (May 23-25, 2002) Configuration; Software architecture; Site Surveys Design options; Costing (Current estimate $30 M) : Design and Development Prototype Major Elements Prototype Array (< 10 elements) Refine Hardware and Software Design : Construction

Principal Institutions and People Principal Institutions and People NJITD. E. Gary, P. Goode, J. Lee NRAOT. S. Bastian, J. Webber UMdS. M. White, A. Harris BerkeleyG. J. Hurford LucentL. J. Lanzerotti NSOC. Keller NJITD. E. Gary, P. Goode, J. Lee NRAOT. S. Bastian, J. Webber UMdS. M. White, A. Harris BerkeleyG. J. Hurford LucentL. J. Lanzerotti NSOC. Keller

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