Motivation and Emotion Chapter 10 Internal processes that: G A S uide ctivate ustain
Motivation Physiological Hunger Sexual motivation Cognitive Expectancy Self-fulfillment
Theories of Motivation n Drive Theory n Arousal Theory n Expectancy Theory n Goal-Setting Theory p. 377
Drive Theory Biological needs arising within our bodies create unpleasant states of arousal Hunger, thirst, fatigue, etc. Homeostasis- balanced physiological state PUSH Motivation is basically a process in which various biological needs PUSH us to actions
Drive Theory: An Overview
NOT n Optimization NOT Minimization n Arousal: our general level of activation n May fluctuate n Biological influences?? Sensation seekers n Yerkes-Dodson law Arousal Theory
Yerkes-Dodson law n There is a relationship between, optimal performance and the level of arousal necessary.
Expectancy Theory n Behavior is determined by expectations (desirable outcomes). PULL n Thoughts about future PULL your behavior. n Incentives: almost anything we have learned to value.
Work Motivation: in the REAL world
Goal-Setting Wood & Locke(1990) Specific Challenging Attainable Feedback can improve performance. Take life in strides…
Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
Emotions 1. Physiological responses 2. Subjective feelings 3. Expressive reactions
How do we respond? Cannon – Bard Earliest theory Simultaneous Simultaneous occurrence. James – Lange More preferred Interpretations Interpretations determine emotions Facial feedback hypothesis
Why go to scary movies? Schacter – Singer Two stage theory Dutton & Aron (1974) Opponent-Process Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
The Emotional Brain Anterior vs. Posterior Pleasant – Unpleasant Arousal Right vs. Left Avoidence – withdrawl Positive affect - Rewards
Speaking without Words 1. Nonverbal Cues 2. Gestures 3. Body language