Learn by doing Less is more Frank Vahid (UC Riverside) Tony Givargis (UC Irvine)
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside2 of 10 Programming embedded systems Computing system embedded inside
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside3 of 10 Problem: Students currently "hack" programs Learn components, get working, build systems, no prog. discipline // // configure output ports // ADCON0 = 0x00; /* disable A/D converter */ CM1CON0 = 0x00; CM2CON0 = 0x00; /* disable comparators */ ANSELH = 0x00; ANSEL = 0x00; /* configure pins as digital chanels */ TRISA = 0x08; /* all bits output except RA3. */ TRISB = 0xF0; /* Port B inputs*/ RABPU = 1; WPUB4 = 1; // enable weak pull ups on RB4 IOCB4 = 1; // enable interrupt on change for RB4 TRISC = 0x00; /* PORTC all set to outputs */ PORTA = 0x00; PORTB = 0x00; PORTC = 0x00; /* initialize ports */ // // Timer0 setup // CLRWDT(); // turn off watch dog timer OPTION = 0x07; // setup prescaler TMR0 = PRELOAD; // preload timer T0IE = 1; //enable timer0 interrupts // // Setup button interrupts // RABIE = 1; //Enable change on PORTB interrupts GIE = 1;//global interupts enabled
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside4 of 10 enum SL_States { Wait00, Wait10, … } SL_State; void SL_Tick() { switch(SL_State) { // Transitions case -1: SL_State = SL_Wait00; break; case SL_Wait00: if (!(!A1 && !A0)) { SL_State = SL_Wait00; } else if (!A1 && !A0) { SL_State = SL_Wait10; } break; … Want: Disciplined "model- based" programming method Synchronous state machines Skill+art – requires practice
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside5 of 10 Solution: Virtual Lab Interactive online learning –Learn by doing Used for all lecture homeworks –Huge improvement over pencil/paper Developed with NSF CCLI funds
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside6 of 10 Learn by doing Less is more
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside7 of 10 Problem: Students aren't reading e.g., "… read on average 27% assigned readings before class … 70% before exam … decline in compliance over 16 years … less than 3 hrs/wk" [Michael A. Clump, Heather Bauer, Catherine Bradley; Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 31, 2004] Cost Info overload Plus slides, class notes, lab manual, lab assignments, lab simulator, homework assignments, study guides, … $108
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside8 of 10 Solution: Short, low-cost book 120 pages, $50 (e-book or print-on- demand), small publisher ch?v=6yAYXr2CxvE Focus on essentials (web is today's reference) Break from "cover everything" / "firehose" tradition No slides: Short enough to use book as slides (students love this) Less is more. Most students read/study all material Developed with NSF CCLI funds
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside9 of 10 So far… 7 physical offerings in 2 years –5 UCR, 2 UCI, 5 different teachers –Extensive use of virtual lab and e-book –Physical lab and lecture still included Positive teacher/student feedback Student performance strong
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside10 of 10 Logical evolution... Today: engineering textbook author creates: –Book, slides, exercise solutions, lab manual –Simulator / virtual lab –Homeworks, quizzes (CourseSmart.com) Logical evolution 1.Author creates entire "course-in-a-box" – add (short) video lectures, exams. More interactive tools (e.g., online checking/correcting/hinting...) 2.Author runs course (online) – Manage assignments/exams, use proctored test facilities, online/skype help/office-hrs, assign grades. Economy/Quality of scale… +