Hung-Gay FUNG University of Missouri-St. Louis Chinese Business Hung-Gay FUNG University of Missouri-St. Louis
China The word China in the Chinese language literally means “middle kingdom.” The Chinese are thinking that China is the middle (center) of the world. This mentality is similar to the US (in fact we are thinking that we are the universe).
The map of China
A small town in western China
A primary school in western area
Weaving woman
Economic Data 1998 2000 2001 Population 1.24b 1.26b 1998 2000 2001 Population 1.24b 1.26b Population growth 1.2% Urban population 30% Life Expectancy 71 years Literacy rate 81.5% GDP (US$ b) 960.9 1,073 1,196.4 GDP growth 7.8% 7.4.% 7.4% Current account (US$b) 29.3 11.8 1.83 Foreign reserves (US$b) 149.2 163.9 212.2 Exports (US$b) 183.8 191.3 249.9 Imports (US$b) 140.2 163.8 228.1 Inflation (CPI) -0.8% 0.4% 1.6%
China 's Top Trade Partners in 2000 (US$ Billion) Rank Country Total trade % Total Trade % GDP 1 Japan 83.17 17.54 7.75 2 US 74.47 15.70 6.94 3 HK 53.95 11.37 5.03 4 S. Korea 34.50 7.27 3.21 5 Taiwan 30.53 6.44 2.84 6 Germany 19.69 4.15 1.83 7 Singapore 10.82 2.28 1.01 8 UK 9.90 2.09 0.92 9 Australia 8.45 1.78 0.79 10 Russia 8.03 1.69 0.75 Source: General Administration of Customs, China Customs Statistics (2001)
China and Yangtze Delta Since 1978’s open-door policy (adopted by Deng Xiaoping) to foreign countries, China’s growth has been around 9% until the Asian currency crisis FDI- come from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and U.S. Reforms --economic and political, downsizing the state-owned enterprises and government bureaucracy Development of private and non-state owned enterprises
Continued Historical High inflation 1988 (23%) and 1994 (21.7%) Policies to keep inflation down to 10% reforms led to overheated economy and wage hike in 1980s government implemented a wage and bonus tax control inflation in 1994, using contractual monetary aggregate and fiscal deficits.
continued Success factors: High Saving rates: 30-50% of GDP Growth in FDI accumulation of reserves (confidence) as a result of trade surplus relative stable working environment (no major revolution) hardworking of the Chinese people
4 Growing Regions in China Regions GDP (%) Yangtze River Valley 38.5% Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Yellow River Valley 30.2% Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong North-east Areas 11.3% Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning Zhujian (Pearl) River Valley 16.8% Guangdong and Fujian
Regions of Development Economic and Development Zones along the cost successful for the past 20 years Development of the West and Central China Railways and roads oil lines
Economy Structure Composition Percentage Industry 45 % Service 27 % (commerce, construction, others) Agriculture 28%
Banking Sector Central bank - People’s Bank of China 4 big banks - control 80 % business Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural bank, China’s Construction bank Under financial reforms bad debts
Financial Markets Two Stock Markets Underdeveloped bond markets Shanghai Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock exchange enables state firms to raise money A-share vs. B-share Underdeveloped bond markets
Investments in China Two types Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in forms of setting up plants and factory Portfolio investment in stock markets (B-share investments)
Total (Realized) FDI in China Year FDI ($ billion) 1984 1.419 1986 1.875 1988 3.194 1990 3.487 1992 11.008 1994 33.767 1996 41.726 1997 45.257 1998 45.463 1999 40.319
Choices of investment Representative office, Joint venture, Wholly-owned foreign enterprise Foreign investor shareholding corporation
China and World Trade Organization (WTO) Sept 17, 2001 Accord on China’s entry into WTO is signed, clearing China’s way to WTO The last big dispute between the US and EU over the status in the Chinese market of AIG, the US insurer is resolved signs bilateral deal with Mexico, the last WTO member to sign for approval to admit China Nov, 2001, formal agreement was signed
WTO Effects on China Agriculture import tariff reduces from 21.2% to 17% over time quota and permit for trade will be phased out farmers may suffer most State-owned enterprises (SOEs) - employ over 50 % population; face tense competition Automobile industries - worst hit tariffs cut from 25 % from current 80-100% Textiles - shoes, toy industries may gain (export) Financial services - may suffer