Formative Feedback STOP, START, CONTINUE Thanks to everyone who contributed last class
STOP I don't have a stop; I thoroughly enjoy the class! Expecting a lot of work without giving much instruction (biological) Too many guidelines; instead of a text, we have a 'text of criteria' Too many graphic/artwork in this course (e.g. portfolio). These will not help us understand the concepts any better and may not be fair for some people
STOP cont. Forcing references from x number of "source types" (books, news, journals). Why? Research is organic and certain topics do not lend themselves well to book references. Good research will take care of its own sources based on its needs. Group project final paper should have individual mark and be done individually (some people expect only 1 or 2 people to write the paper and don't contribute much)
START Have the course at a different time slot, such as 10am-1pm instead of 9:30-12:30 (zzzz) Be a bit clearer with assignments Be more specific about assignment outline Being more specific as to what you expect. I find overall instructions to be vague, but expectations are very specific A little more guidance on portfolio Ensure that UBC Farm students see presentation on sustainability
START cont. A little more info; maybe some readings? More notes? Structured notes Putting in more info into lectures that we can use (lectures are too general now) Teaching more human ecology Have a bit more structured lesson time (like Biodiversity/Concept Map/Goal setting class with the overheads), so I can learn interesting facts! Providing students with info about ecofriendly involvements on campus regularly On website, post a short mini-summary of what occurred in class, in case someone missed class and would like to know what happened that day
CONTINUE 3 hours at a time Teaching this class! Brief lectures about meanings, definitions and useful bio or human ecology info Class time spent to look at various materials laid out Showing examples
CONTINUE cont. The different activities in each class makes it interesting Being fun; participation Participation Relaxed atmosphere Group discussion Outdoor activity
CONTINUE cont. Flexible assignments I like the FAs a lot; gives chance to explore what you are interested in Allowing for personalized learning The freedom to do what interests you but is also relevant Allowing students to contribute CSL projects (2 people noted this one) Farm CSL! All the assignments - they are great and really fun
Thank you!Thank you!