MICE Experiments Introduction Introduction Disclaimers Disclaimers Assumptions Assumptions Baseline programme Baseline programme Full programme Full programme
Introduction and Disclaimer One question asked by Review Panel: What experiments do we plan to do with MICE? One question asked by Review Panel: What experiments do we plan to do with MICE? We had sort of said: vary everything, but not defined We had sort of said: vary everything, but not defined Need to define this soon for: - Review Panel - Final design and engineering for MICE Need to define this soon for: - Review Panel - Final design and engineering for MICE Programme presented is based on opinions (SG + others) Programme presented is based on opinions (SG + others) Simulations to check are just starting Simulations to check are just starting All opinions are equally valid, so don’t hold back! All opinions are equally valid, so don’t hold back! Emittance change is the important thing Emittance change is the important thing
Assumptions …..taken from the proposal Solenoid decay channel: 3000 muons/s Quadrupole decay channel: 300 muons/s “Useful” muons = Losses X in-phase 0.25 X 0.17 = X0.04 100 muons/s 10 muons/s precision 10 5 muons But efficiency x2 systematic checks x2.5 0.3 hours 2.7 hours 1.5 hours 15.0 hours ISIS runs for ~170 days/year solenoid channel = 2720 runs quad channel = 272 runs Define: Baseline programme ~272 runs Full programme + ~2450 runs
Full Programme (1) Absorbers: AbsorberThickness/cmCooling/% LH LHe LiH Li Be C Al Use 6: LH2, LHe, LiH, Li, Be, Al
Full Programme (2) Absorber thicknesses Lots of discussion Lots of discussion If we’re gonna do it, may as well do it properly If we’re gonna do it, may as well do it properly LH2 with central absorber empty LH2 with LHe in central absorber LiH/Li: 5 thicknesses: 0.25 to 1.75 x standard (3) RF voltage Backgrounds suggest we need to be careful Backgrounds suggest we need to be careful One point as high as backgrounds allow One point as high as backgrounds allow Rest down Rest down 2/3 additional voltages
Full Programme Input emittance LiH LH2 + LHe LH2 + vac
Full Programme (4) Emittance By changing the absorber thickness at TOF1 By changing the absorber thickness at TOF1 Avoid correlations if possible Avoid correlations if possible Probably most important parameter Probably most important parameter 10 diffferent emittances around equilibrium (5) Beam momentum Scan around central momentum Scan around central momentum 5 momenta in total both signs
Full Programme (6) Optical configurations i.e. beta i.e. beta Six are given in the proposal Six are given in the proposal There is also the possibility of changing field sign There is also the possibility of changing field sign 2 diffferent configurations used
Putting that together Runs = targets x RF voltage x emittance x momentum x beta = x 4 x 10 x x = 21840! Do only 3 RF voltages = Do only 3 RF voltages = Can do everything only for 3 targets: LH2, LiH, Li = 3780 Can do everything only for 3 targets: LH2, LiH, Li = 3780 Scan all parameters all other targets = = 286 Scan all parameters all other targets = = 286 Total = 4066 runs = 18 months
Baseline Programme Runs = targets x RF voltage x emittance x momentum x beta = 1 x 1 x 8 x x = 240 Do everything for 1 target only: LH2 = 240 Do everything for 1 target only: LH2 = 240 Scan all parameters for LHe, LiH, Li + thickneses (3 LiH) = = 152 Scan all parameters for LHe, LiH, Li + thickneses (3 LiH) = = 152 Scan emittance only Be and Al = 16 Scan emittance only Be and Al = 16 Total = 408 runs = 18 months