Engaging Alumni as Coaches and Mentors to Students Kathryn Liede, Director of Alumni Relations Katie Maloney, Assoc. Director, Student/Alumni Relations
Students + Alumni = MIT & Alumni Association Student Programs Leveraging Partnerships Coaching vs Mentoring Mentoring Programs – International Graduate Student Mentorship Program – Institute Career Assistance Network (ICAN) Coaching Program – Alan’73 & Terri Spoon Community Catalyst Leadership Program
6,000 Graduate Students 4,000 Undergraduate 20,000 Local Alumni 8,000 Volunteers 122,000 Alumni
Collaborators: Working together to connect students and alumni MIT Alumni Association Student Programs: Part of the Alumni Relations Team Associate Director, Student/Alumni Relations(FT) Senior Administrative Assistant(FT) GSC President GSC Secretary Graduate Orientation Chair GSC Social Chair Associate Dean of Student Life Assistant Dean of Student Activities
Coach and Mentor Defined Coach Learner-focused Future-focused Goals and work driven by the student Coaches listen and inquire A collaborative, mutual endeavor Mentor Advice-driven Allow for mutual exploration of issues that both parties understand A mentor’s greater experience is usually a key part of the process Great potential for ongoing exchange
International Graduate Student Mentorship Program Organized by the Graduate Student Council 150 First Year International Students 90 Local Alumni, 60 current graduate students volunteer
Institute Career Assistance Network (ICAN) Alumni Advisor (3632) Advisor to Grad Student (2314) Advisor to Undergraduate (2332) Offers Internship (677)
Virtual Online Mentor
Outcomes - Mentoring Positive Provides volunteer opportunities open to many alumni Alumni excited to connect with students and offer support and advice Excellent way to introduce students to alumni association services Challenges “Pay it Forward” – giving students permission to contact alumni even with “nothing to offer” Building culture of courtesy Some alumni not contacted or fully utilized Managing expectations of mentors ICAN is passive until approached
50 Juniors 36 Coaches 5 new in Returning 6 month program (Oct – Apr)
Program Design Coaches vs. Mentors Coach Training Self-Assessment Experiential Celebrate Diverse forms of Leadership Reflection
Nuts & Bolts Marketing Application/Selection Matching Timeline Orientation Conference and Educational Sessions Budget
CCLP Coaching Roadmap 1.Relationship Building 2.Goal Setting 3.Refining the Goal and Making a Plan 4.Feedback and Reflection 5.Ongoing Coaching
Outcomes – CCLP Coaching Positive Alumni Response Coaching Relationships Transformational Experience Ongoing relationships Community of Coaches Donor stewardship & engagement Support from Administration/Institute Visibility Challenges Identification of Alumni Quality Control Meeting Diverse Needs Managing Expectations: Coaching Cohort Building Scalability
Materials Available Community Catalyst Program Overview – Road Map for Coaching Sample s for students to contact career advisors International Student Mentorship Program alumni volunteer invitation text More specifics for any program, please just ask