NorthStar Level 1 Reading / Writing Unit 5: Going Out Of Business Presented By Azza Khattab
The Main Idea Why do some stores close and put that notice of “ For Sale” ? What does “out of business” mean? What are chain stores? What are family-owned businesses? Why are large chain stores killing family-owned businesses?
Important issues about business Some small stores / family- owned businesses are going out of business these days. This is because chain stores are more powerful with money and other facilities. They are usually owned by large companies.
Differences between both types businesses Chain stores 1-Owned by companies such as Starbucks 2- popular and successful everywhere Locally owned stores or businesses 1-Owned by families or individuals 2- face difficulties because of the need for money and cannot stand the competition with chain stores
Vocabulary Compete ( verb ) Competition ( noun ) Benefit ( noun ) Discount ( noun ) Employee ( noun ) Increase ( noun / verb ) X decrease Loyal ( adjective ) Selection ( noun ) Owner ( noun ) Customers ( noun ) Chain ( noun )
Exploring Language Parts of speech : Nouns : names of places, people, things, ideas. ( London – Huda – TV – suggestion) Verb : an action done by someone or something ( go – come – eat – drink – walk- ) Adjective: a word which describes a noun ( nice – good – happy – sad – worried – lucky )
Derivatives Compete ( verb ) Competition ( noun ) Competitor ( noun ) Employ ( verb ) Employee ( noun ) Increase ( noun / verb ) Serve ( verb ) Service ( noun ) Own ( verb ) Owner ( noun )
Grammar : There is / There are We use “ There is + a count noun” ( singular ) There is a bakery on my street. We use“ There is + a non count noun” There is a lot of traffic in Seoul. We use “ There are + a plural noun” There are a lot of people on my street.
Grammar : There was / There were We use “ There was / There were” when we talk about the past. We use “There was+ a count noun” ( singular) There was a bakery near our house. We use” There was + a non count noun” There was a lot of traffic on my street yesterday. We use “ There were+ a plural noun” There were a lot of people in the country in the past.
Yes / No questions with : There is / are / was / were Is there a bank near your house ? Yes, there is. – No, there isn’t. Are there any students in your class? Yes, there are. – No, there aren’t. Was there a school opposite your house? Yes, there was. - No, there wasn’t Were there any restaurants in your town in the past ? Yes, there were.- No, there weren’t.
Preposition of place ( direction) Across from Around the corner ( from ) Behind X in front of Between Next to Opposite On the left ( of ) X on the right ( of )