Managing Multiple Marketing Clubs Bret Oelke, Craig Haugaard, and Kirby Hettver – Regional Extension Educators, University of Minnesota Extension Service
Introduction Need for intensive, high quality commodity marketing education Second stage of regional marketing education Delivered under a new Extension model for Minnesota Fee based program
Marketing Clubs in West Central Minnesota Initial groups were a result of Extension educator involvement at several locations Some were a result of the Minnesota Master Marketer Program Other Clubs were a result of contacts made through Winning the Game Programs
U of M Extension Reorganization Reassignment to regional roles Focus on areas of expertise Need identified Revenue Generation Expectation
Roles and Expectations - Facilitators/Educators Minimum sessions Standard format Research based educational portion Facilitate discussion Provide appropriate technology Maintain high level of expertise
Roles and Expectations - Producers Identify potential sponsoring partners Recruit additional members Actively participate in discussion and organization of group Commit financially to group
Roles and Expectations – Sponsoring Partners Recruitment of producers Mailings and copies Meeting location and refreshments Participate in sessions Handle funds Provide feedback
Evaluation and Impact Pre-test, Post test Survey Feedback from sponsors and producers Financial impact study being designed
Summary A work in progress Clubs continuing and expanding Benefits to University, Producers, and Sponsoring Partners