Professor Peter Landshoff Cambridge-MIT Institute
Professor Peter Landshoff 2 Please collaborate with us Our remit from Gordon Brown is to help UK academics have more impact on the economy It is not easy MIT has helped us learn a lot We want to share our knowledge Join us to try to do it still better
Professor Peter Landshoff 3 CMI Strategy 3 strategic thrusts: Education Research Knowledge exchange with industry
Professor Peter Landshoff 4 First phase (up to 2006) had money for research Next phase (being negotiated) will only have money to facilitate the provision of benefit to industry, the economy and the public good As well as educational innovation and enhancing the regions
Professor Peter Landshoff 5 Energy sustainability Financial Innovation Future Healthcare Creative Industries Transport Construction industry EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS Benefit to industry and the public good
Professor Peter Landshoff 6 Example: biology Research project: next-generation drug discovery (cut down the cost of new drugs) MPhil degree in computational biology Undergraduate courses in biological engineering
Professor Peter Landshoff 7 Master’s degree MPhil in Computational Biology Combines technical material with 48 hours of lectures on management of technology and innovation and sends students into industry for part of the course
Professor Peter Landshoff 8 Biological engineering Gives undergraduate engineers enough biology and enough mathematics to contribute to an exciting new sector of the economy
Professor Peter Landshoff 9 To help industry, eg transport, we need access to a variety of expertise in more than one university By joining together, the academics will contribute more effectively And have more impact on their region And have a better chance of pulling in funding
Professor Peter Landshoff 10 It is very exciting There are huge opportunities to enable the UK to maintain its economic strength in the face of increasing world competition And to give the public a better deal