ET January 2006
What is ET? Technology that mitigates a disability. Is that what they call Assistive Technology? Geeks making the world a bit better.
What will we do? Lots of guest speakers and Videos with “designated listeners” Readings (no textbook) Assignments Book report Class discussion Projects In class presentations
Designated Listener Take notes/pictures of our guest speaker Produce a wiki-based record of what we learned and ensuing discussion Web page due 1 week after lecture Every picture needs an “ALT” tag describing it.
Grading To get a B or P you need to: –Participate (show up, ask/answer questions, submit links, read papers, add to discussion) –Do the homework –Do a decent project To get an A or H you need to: –Do all that (a lot) plus –A really good project Undergrads graded independently of grads
Projects Projects will all have a wiki-based report Some may be mostly development Some may be entirely research/writing Lots of ideas on the wiki 1, 2, or 3 on a team. Talk to me about your project by 1 Feb In class presentation mid term and end
Who is gb?
Why I like ET
Who are you? Name Dept Where is home? Why are you here?