B band filters M.Lampton UCB Space Sciences Lab Nov 2003 More charts added Mar 2006, Oct 2006, Apr 2007
Lampton B-band filters2 M.S.Bessell “UBVRI Passbands” PASP Figure 8 B90: Bessell 1990: GaAs + 2GG385+1BG12+1BG18 B18t: Cousins 1973: S13 + 3GG13 BB: Bessell 1976, 1979: S13 + 2GG BG12+1BG18 BGR: Graham 1982: GaAs + 3GG13
Lampton B-band filters3 Stanishev et al astro-ph/ (2007)
Lampton B-band filters4
Lampton B-band filters5
Lampton B-band filters6 KPNO glass filters for use with CCDs: B: 1mm BG12 + 2mm BG39 + 1mm GG385
Lampton B-band filters7 KPNO “B” band interference
Lampton B-band filters8 The RGO Glass Broad Band Filters (UBVRIZ)
Lampton B-band filters9 MDM Observatory's 8K CCD array project: FILTERS FOR THE 8K CCD ARRAY
Lampton B-band filters10 ESO La Silla standard filter sets: Blue, red
Lampton B-band filters Gemini
Lampton B-band filters Santa Barbara Instrument Group
Lampton B-band filters Santa Barbara Instrument Group
Lampton B-band filters14 Single-band filter and sets; over 100 models UV-VIS_NIR
Lampton B-band filters Andover Corporation
Lampton B-band filters Andover Corporation
Lampton B-band filters17 HST WFC3 F438W (dotted)
Lampton B-band filters18 SDSS filters Fukugita et al 1996 AJ blue side cutoff due to glass dye; reasonably rapid cutoff red side cutoff due to multi layer interference film overall good efficiency overall little ripple
Lampton B-band filters19 Megacam CFHT
Lampton B-band filters20 Cenko et al “Palomar 60 inch” astro-ph/ pdf
Lampton B-band filters21 Asiago Database on filter Photometry Systems (ADPS) Moro, D., & Munari, U., 2000, A&AS, 147, 361 (Paper I) More than 100 photometric systems compared Several hundred UBV ugriz etc systems GIF plots Text listings Hot links to most of the original work ADPS 2003: Fiorucci & Munari A&A 401 pp , Paper II –Parameters for all filters: various mean wavelengths, widths at 50% and 10%, asymmetries; synthetic photometry
Lampton B-band filters22 Conclusions There are a variety of B band filter profiles One has a large asymmetry towards the red Most are nearly symmetrical Best choice for SNAP needs to be explored In our longest NIR passband, a redward extension is a serious contributor to our dark current owing to thermal tails of warm objects within our telescope We should explore symmetrical passbands