A reminder of the outstanding action list:- Implement central repository for drawings – need detector information to add to official drawing Instrumentation for absorbers must be specified and incorporated into design (temperature sensors, liquid level sensors, …) Understand QC requirements for absorber windows and assign oversight responsibility; Check minimum gap between AFC & Tracker solenoid Module; -- Also check for bolting to floor in various steps; Continue working to define worst-case magnet forces and collect magnet design notes into design report; Define absorber heater implementation; Revise absorber vent pipe size to make it adequate for He case Get RAL seismic design criteria and verify that designs meet them
Evaluate stresses at module interconnect flanges and bolts Define RFCC module tie-in to rail system Work out gusset arrangement to transfer CC forces to RFCC module vacuum shell. Evaluate the need for redundant LH2 relief paths Evaluate merits of cryocooler heater vs. 3-stage cooler w/o heater Revisit absorber operational scenarios (cool-down time ≈40 hours) Evaluate absorber heat load with more realistic assessment of surrounding temperatures (is proposed MLI adequate?) Finalize interface between radiation shield and detector module - must forces be transmitted? Consider participation in KEK and/or Fermilab absorber tests (some coordination maybe called for) Evaluate magnet interaction during quench - does one quench induce others? Raise Change note on the radiation shield design
Action Who Progress made status Implement central repository for drawings -- need detector information to add to official drawing WL Progress on-going. Liasing with Ghislain Gregoire on CKOV2 drawings; Also with Geoff Barber on Tracker mechanicals. On- going Instrumentation for absorbers must be specified and incorporated into design (temperature sensors, liquid level sensors, …) SIAny comment Shigeru? Understand QC requirements for absorber windows and assign oversight responsibility WL / MAC No decision has been made as to who should be responsible to oversee the QC requirements, but it is expected to be myself. Will bring this up with the TB. On going Check minimum gap between AFC & Tracker solenoid Module -- Also check for floor bolting at various stages WL / UB Ulisse has agreed to do this calculation. He needs to check with the TB if the previous defined value of 800mm can be changed. On- going Continue working to define worst-case magnet forces and collect magnet design notes into design report MGComment please Mike Green Define absorber heater implementation ? I believe this falls in with Shigeru. Could Shigeru please comment if you are happy to take it on? Revise absorber vent pipe size to make it adequate for He case SI I think Shigeru has already started this. Can Shigeru confirm? Get RAL seismic design criteria and verify that designs meet them WLHave contacted PD. RAL is not an active seismic zone and therefore the ASME III NB guidelines would be sufficient. Need to do the time history analysis to ensure H2 Pipework are safe. Equipment supplied by other country should use the seismic guidelines according to their own countries’ requirement. On- going Status of Progress
Action Who Progress made status Evaluate stresses at module interconnect flanges and bolts SVCould Steve comment please Define RFCC module tie-in to rail system SVDitto Work out gusset arrangement to transfer CC forces to RFCC module vacuum shell. SVDitto Evaluate the need for redundant LH2 relief paths EB / TB Comment from TB please Evaluate merits of cryocooler heater vs. 3-stage cooler w/o heater MGWhere are we on this Mike? Evaluate absorber heat load with more realistic assessment of surrounding temperatures (is proposed MLI adequate?) EM/ MG/ SY Raised in the meeting between RAL & Oxford on 4 Nov. Action plan was outlined. Little progress made so far Finalize interface between radiation shield and detector module - must forces be transmitted WL / SF Awaiting a reply from Stefania on progress. Could Stefania please comment. Consider participation in KEK and/or Fermilab absorber tests (some coordination maybe called for) PD / WL No progress made yet. Will talk to PaulNone Evaluate magnet interaction during quench -- does one quench induce others EB / MG Raised in the meeting between RAL & Oxford on 4 Nov. MG agreed to work with Holger on this. Some progress made. Mike Green will report it at the AFC meeting some Raise Change note on the radiation shield design SY / WL Nothing done so far. Will make a start soon.None