CMNS 230 September 25 Review of Assignment 1 September 25 Review of Assignment 1
Overview Outline sent out to mailing list Outline available on class website Due in tutorial, October 2 (next week) Worth 20% of grade Outline sent out to mailing list Outline available on class website Due in tutorial, October 2 (next week) Worth 20% of grade
The Requirements Minimum of 6 pages (but no more than 10 including references) Double spacing Follow APA or CJC style At least 6 sources - at least one academic source - corporate sources - trade publications/sources Minimum of 6 pages (but no more than 10 including references) Double spacing Follow APA or CJC style At least 6 sources - at least one academic source - corporate sources - trade publications/sources
Detail of the structure Introduction Case selection Rationale for selection of company / artist / organisation Succinct outline of what the report is about and a major conclusion (prepare the reader for what they are about to read) May be from any country (as long as you have sufficient sources) Introduction Case selection Rationale for selection of company / artist / organisation Succinct outline of what the report is about and a major conclusion (prepare the reader for what they are about to read) May be from any country (as long as you have sufficient sources)
Detail of the structure Profile of the company Outline history, structure and size Where do the fit into the overall industry Specific market segments and revenues from each; market share in each Principal competitors and some detail about their positioning and market share Keep to last 10 years Profile of the company Outline history, structure and size Where do the fit into the overall industry Specific market segments and revenues from each; market share in each Principal competitors and some detail about their positioning and market share Keep to last 10 years
Detail of the structure Profile of the company Services and Content Produced Outline the principal product “lines” Brand identity or positioning of entity Identify measures of success used Specific numbers that demonstrate success Profile of the company Services and Content Produced Outline the principal product “lines” Brand identity or positioning of entity Identify measures of success used Specific numbers that demonstrate success
Detail of the structure Competitive Business Assessment Use SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Competitive Business Assessment Use SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Detail of the structure Competitive Business Assessment SWOT matrix Competitive Business Assessment SWOT matrix StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats
Detail of the structure Competitive Business Assessment SWOT matrix Competitive Business Assessment SWOT matrix StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesS-O strategiesW-O strategies ThreatsS-T strategiesW-T strategies
Detail of the structure Conclusion Summary of key points What have you learned from this? Should link back to introduction Conclusion Summary of key points What have you learned from this? Should link back to introduction
Detail of the structure Writing style Descriptive analysis Use shorter sentences Clear transitions with subheads Occasional bullets if appropriate Include figures/charts/diagrams Follow APA/CJC style (see library website) Writing style Descriptive analysis Use shorter sentences Clear transitions with subheads Occasional bullets if appropriate Include figures/charts/diagrams Follow APA/CJC style (see library website)
Examples Look at Viacom Case Study in Media Student’s Book, pp More academic example, Bertelsmann in International Journal of Media Management (see CMNS230 website for full reference) Look at Viacom Case Study in Media Student’s Book, pp More academic example, Bertelsmann in International Journal of Media Management (see CMNS230 website for full reference)
Finding the material Google for the company Look at company website (caveat regarding bias) Use electronic indexes thru library website Google for the company Look at company website (caveat regarding bias) Use electronic indexes thru library website
Finding the material Trade publications Print: - Quill & Quill - Film (look online): - Variety - Hollywood Reporter - Playback - Screen Daily (get 2-week free trial) Trade publications Print: - Quill & Quill - Film (look online): - Variety - Hollywood Reporter - Playback - Screen Daily (get 2-week free trial)
Finding the material Academic publications Use electronic indexes and abstracts Search by company name Ascertain whether refereed or trade publication Some examples: - Media International Australia - Canadian Journal of Communication - Journal of Media Economics Academic publications Use electronic indexes and abstracts Search by company name Ascertain whether refereed or trade publication Some examples: - Media International Australia - Canadian Journal of Communication - Journal of Media Economics
Grading checklist Relevant and Strategic selection Clear rationale Succinct and clear highlights of history, structure and size Accurate identification of product lines in stage of product cycle Relevant and Strategic selection Clear rationale Succinct and clear highlights of history, structure and size Accurate identification of product lines in stage of product cycle
Grading checklist cont. Three clear measures of corporate ‘viability’ Well thought-out SWOT analysis Strong conclusion Evidence of original thinking (interesting title/conclusion) Three clear measures of corporate ‘viability’ Well thought-out SWOT analysis Strong conclusion Evidence of original thinking (interesting title/conclusion)
Grading checklist cont. Proofread carefully Reference carefully and appropriately Marking rubric will be available online later in the week Proofread carefully Reference carefully and appropriately Marking rubric will be available online later in the week
How to get a ‘C’ Look at the following example of what NOT to do