Academy 01 Introduction to investing, Binckbank Get connected to B&R 1
1. Introduction to B&R Academy 2. Year schedule 3. What is investment? 4. Binck Website 5. Topic suggestions? 2
B&R Beurs B&R since 1985 New structure in 2001 B&R Academy By B&R for B&R Knowledge sharing Monthly 3 Peter Paul de Vries, oud lid
Year Schedule 13 th of OctoberAcademy, dinner and group formation drinks 27 th of OctoberStart of the investment year 10 th of NovemberAcademy and social drink 26th of NovemberDay of the investor (Dutch event) 30 th of NovemberPoker tournament 8 th of DecemberAcademy and social drink 11 th of AprilSymposium 4
Many more social activities like paintball, beer tasting event and go karting Educational activities like inhouse-days and visit to Euronext Find the full and updated calendar at our website: 5
Objectives Investing and Stock trading First share issued in 1606 by Dutch East India Company (VOC) 6
Dutch Tulip Mania 7
Stocks Bonds Investment funds Trackers 8
Turbo’s (Lecture 3) ◦ By ABN AMRO Options (Lecture 5&6) 10
Commodities Commercial property Currencies 11
Technical analysis (Lecture 4) Fundamental analysis (Lecture 4) 12 Yahoo Google Financial Times Wall street journal 13
How to transfer the money to the account Can anyone do transactions? 15
Can the treasurer transfer money to his private account? What information can be found on the Binck website? 16
Lecture 2 13-Oct: Buying first stock Lecture 3 10-Nov: Turbo’s and Options Lecture 4 8-Dec: Fundamental and Technical analysis What would you like to know? 17
A Random Walk Down Wall Street - Burton Malkiel The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham Beating the Street – Peter Lynch 18