GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: I & T Input to Monthly Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/05 Elliott Bloom SU-SLAC Subsystem Manager Ken Fouts SU-SLAC Subsystem Engineering Manager Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 2 Last Month's Accomplishments (1 of 4) Management –Supported environmental test planning. –Tracking hardware shortages for LAT integration. –TKR Delivery –ELX Boxes IFCT –Completed 6 Tower Tests –Integrated two additional towers –Completed 8 Tower Tests –Completed receiving tests for all CAL units. –Supported ACD Receiving and tests at SLAC –Completed Grid 2 Assembly for SLT –Completed TPS replacement in the grid.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 3 Last Month's Accomplishments (2 of 4) Online –Provided updated schema’s and test software updates to support 8 tower and ACD tests. –Completed parallelized test scripts to reduce multiple tower test duration –LATTE about to be released for I&T Tower + ACD testing –ACD scripts received and integrated with the I&T script base (CAL, TKR, TRG, System) –Script changes necessitated due to different power model and housekeeping from that used during ACD construction –End-to-End scripts updated for ACD-related parameters –Modified scripts validated against Qual unit, used on Flight unit
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 4 Online (cont’d) –LICOS work is well underway –Supported accelerated FSW implementation planning –Supported LAT configuration TIM –Finalizing architecture –Testing of interaction with the VSC and its software interface is ongoing –User’s Manual in progress –Mobile rack –6 computers, 1 switch, 1 firewall received and set up –Linux operating system chosen –Installation process demonstrated –Demonstrated LATTE and E-Logbook operation –Finalizing and documenting system configuration Last Month's Accomplishments (3 of 4)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 5 SVAC –Workshop 5 (Aug 29) was successful First results from initial MC simulations with ACD integrated with 8 towers Comprehensive Review of TKR CC FIFO full events for all data taken up to 8 towers Search for photon candidates in cosmic ray data fro 2,4 and6 towers Overview of trending of TKR and CAL calibrations –fixed bugs in offline calibrations First memo to document the work produced so far in LAT DOCS –2 other memos in progress –Overall summary paper in progress »More to come by the end of the year Two workshops planned to guide us through LAT integration –Workshop 6 (end of the year) –Workshop 7 (early next year) See the instrument Analysis Web Page for details Last Month's Accomplishments (4 of 4)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 6 Goals for Workshop 5 (Aug 29) Study MC generated events with ACD + 8 towers (Done) –Need to get familiar with ACD variables –Start thinking how we will set up tests using ROIs to do analysis that we could not do so far –To support I&T test planning activities Present a list of distributions that capture geometrical dependencies since we can not spend too much time when the full LAT is assembled to learn all that (Postponed to the next workshop) These will change as we add more towers Show trending results for calibrations (function of time and per tower) (Done) –Would like to have a comprehensive presentation from both TKR and CAL Alignment (Partially Done) –Produce inter and intra-tower results using SAS reconstruction in its native framework Educate collaborators to connect science with housekeeping data (Postponed to the next workshop) –Only SVAC group does that right now
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 7 FIFO Event Error Summary Conclusion from Giovanni Petri, student from Pisa working with Eduardo Presented at the SVAC Workshop. Charts available at:
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 8 NCR Summary 31 Open 48 Closed I&T NCRs by Month Open/Closed Status Month NCR Opened Current Status Previous Month NCR Summary 28 Open 63 Closed
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 9 I&T Activities ACD receiving at SLAC EMI Skirt Fit-check Grid 2 ACD Mock-up for lift fixture fit-check Eight tower tests complete
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 10 Upcoming I&T Events –STR #16 Parallelized Test Scripts ECD 7/29 (Complete) –TKR Hand-off to I&T ECD 7/28 (Complete) –8 Tower Integration ECD 8/12 (Complete) –8 Tower Tests ECD 8/26 (Complete) –ACD Receiving ECD 8/12 (Complete) –ACD I&T Receiving Tests ECD 9/1 –Flight like GASU delivery ECD 9/2 –Shear plate and cable tray installation for 8 towers ECD 9/7 –STR #34 CAL re-trigger characterization –TKR (2) Receiving ECD 9/9 –ACD Integration Readiness Review 9/9 (9/12) –ACD Installation with 8 towers ECD 9/5 9/13
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 11 ACD Integration Status I&T ACD Receiving tests ECD 9/2 ACD lift fixture in work –Proof test ECD 9/7 Additional ACD off tests identified by ELX (STR 19) for ACD Clock Phase Bit Determination ACD with 8 Towers Test Plan Complete –Pretest Review ECD 9/8 INT Scripts for ACD w/ 8 Towers Complete FSW is working toward 10/3. –FSW architecture supports 8 tower tests without impact to code. ACD Integration Procedure in work ECD 9/7
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 12
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 13 Online Plan Transition to LICOS –Functionality is similar but procedures will need to be modified. –User interface (even with different operating system) is very similar between LICOS and LATTE => minimal retraining required –Configuration and output products are different –Configuration snapshots replaced with FSW confirmation –LDF definition augmented –Commanding portion of scripts must be replaced with telecommands. –Some scripts will no longer be needed in FSW realm, however some new scripts will be required. –Parallelized analysis scripts will be modified for LDF changes and bookkeeping, but otherwise will be about the same –MOOT/MOOD (ISOC configuration tool) will require modifications at a later date.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 14 Early ACD Integration Risks and Concerns Delay in science data format definition from FSW. –Expected any day now. Delay in completion of science data handling by VSC/FSW. –Needed ASAP. –Responsibility split between FSW, ELX and Online. Missing functionality in LCI (FSW’s LAT Charge Injection package) that prevent conversion of LATTE scripts. –Need to assess whether ACD scripts will fit in the paradigm. Flight crates (SIU/EPU) don’t contain ground-only debugging interfaces. –No ethernet, no serial line connection. –Proposal to run LATTE via the VSC to test Flight SIU/EPU crates Requires modifications to LATTE for ELX to pass messages over 1553 for ELX flight hardware tests. Anticipated to be a minimum 1 week job.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 15 I&T Detail Schedule (1 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 16 I&T Detail Schedule (2 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 17 I&T Detail Schedule (3 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 18 I&T Flow w/ Early ACD Integration Complete 8 Tower Test Install ACD after 8 towers Install FSW Resolve LAT Timing/Calib/ Config Install Remaining 8 Towers Install Electronics Boxes LAT System Test Run TKR/CAL Timing/Config in Single Bay
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 19 I&T Plan w/ Early ACD Integration (1 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 20 Alternate I&T Integration Plan with ACD (2 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 21 Alternate I&T Integration Plan with ACD (3 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 22 I&T Flow w/ ACD Integration at 16 Towers Complete 8 Tower Test Install Towers as they arrive Install ACD after 16 towers Install Electronics Boxes Install FSW Resolve LAT Timing/Calib/ Config LAT System Test
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 23 I&T Plan w/o Early ACD Integration (1 of 2)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 24 I&T Plan w/o Early ACD Integration (1 of 2)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 25 Issues & Concerns ISSUES Availability of flight hardware. –SIU & EPU Deliveries –TKR Deliveries CONCERNS FSW availability for Early ACD Integration tests I&T Resources for ACD and TKR tower tests in parallel
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 26 Cost/Schedule Reports for Presentation June 2005 Month End Integration & Test Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 27 Level 3 Milestone Count June 05 Jul 05
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 28 Level 3 Milestone List
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 29 Milestone Variance Explanation Schedule Impact –LAT shipment to NRL delayed until the end of January 06 Cost Impact –Additional labor costs for weekend work to minimize impact of late hardware deliveries. Corrective Action –Schedule weekend work for integration and test as appropriate.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 30 Cost Report
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 31 Cost Variance Explanation Why overrun/underrun? –Underrun caused by operating under planned headcount. –Minimized impact of late hardware deliveries. What will be done to correct? –Adding staff as required.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 32 FTE Report (DOE/NASA-funded only)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 09/01/ Integration and Test 33 FTE Variance Explanation Why overrun/underrun? –Staffing is below plan due to employee voluntary terminations. What is the impact? –None What will be done to correct? –Adding staff as required.