KM Most cited Discussion Anh Ho MIS Undergraduate
Contents: –Organizational Learning and Communities-of-Practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation - John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid –Organizing Knowledge – John Brown, Paul Duguid –Capturing value from Knowledge Assets: The new economy, markets for know- how, and intangible assets – David J. Teece
John Seely Brown –Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation –Director PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) –Doctor of Science, Economic, Humane Letters –Visiting scholar at USC
Paul Duguid –Professor at University of California (SIMS) –Consultant at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center “Deserves to be the best-read books of the internet age” –Financial Times
David Teece –Mitsubishi Bank Professor of International Business and Finance –Director, Institute of management, Innovation, and Organization –Director, Center for Research in Management UC at Berkeley Books: Managing Intellectual Capital: Organization, Strategic and Policy Dimensions
Themes and Critique –Easy to read –Simple examples –Constructed –Deep in Corporation and Organization level –Useful Information
Additional Information – – – ece.htmlhttp:// ece.html –From Push to Pull-Emerging Models for Mobilizing Resources – John Hagel and John Brown epullyou4.72.pdf epullyou4.72.pdf This paper represents the beginning of a major new wave of research: growth, innovation and value creation