Queueing and Hand Simulation (Project 03)
Queueing Models Probabilistic and stochastic models Important aspects: –Interarrival time –Service time –Waiting time Mathematics not reality! Several assumptions: –Arrival process, service process –Queue size and discipline –Time horizon –Calling population
Queueing Models Use theoretical model to estimate the behavior of a real system (this is only an approximation!) Queues are a model archetype Queue system entities: –Flow unit –Queue –Server Where each entity has its own state space and transitions
Time-Flow Mechanism Time-step incrementation –Stepping through time in equal (e.g. 1 hour) increment
Time-Flow Mechanism Event-step incrementation –Calls for a simulation to proceed from one event to the next –Incremental time steps are uneven –Simulation begins at time zero –Occurrence times of the events resulting from the simulated performance of all system components are determined –Master clock is updated to the time of the earliest event occurrence –Commonly used
Group Project This project deals with modeling a simple, real-world queueing system You may work in groups of three students (in one group: max 1 female and 1 international student) Goal: analyze a real-world queueing system
Group Project Choose a small interesting system to study Schedule a variety times to go to the site and collect data (i.e. different hours of the day, different days of the week) Obtain permission from the manager of the site Minimum two 30-minute data-gathering sessions on different days (the more the better)
Group Project Figure out what you want to analyze Figure out what data you ’ ll need to collect Analyze the data Next week: A 3-5 pages single-spaced nice, clean, interesting write-up due Present it in front of the class (15-20 minutes)