Resources Pack of cards 5 new cards with QTS headings Laminated card Board pen A4 Extract on evidence p73 A4 sheet on questioning p ORANGE handbook Characteristics of sat/good/very good trainees - 71
Professional Development Seminar What makes effective teaching?
AIMS To understand the requirements of the QTS standards and appreciate how to match evidence to the standards 2. To identify the strategies used by teachers to be effective in the classroom. AOB – Check list - Ofsted guidelines - Ofsted guidelines
What makes effective teaching? 1. Take a pile of 20 blank cards. On each card list an important skill/qualities which you think characterise a good teacher? Think about your recent lesson observations. (5 minutes)
What makes effective teaching? 2. Now try and arrange your statements into groups. Have a look at your groups - what headings have you come up with? (5 minutes)
What makes effective teaching? 3. Now re-group your list under the 5 cards given to you. Which headings have many statements? Which have fewer? Can you explain these differences? (5 minutes)
Understanding the QTS Standards? Now compare your list of statements with the QTS standards. Cross out any of the standards which you have already identified in your statements. What is left? 5 minutes
Evidencing the QTS Standards List the different pieces of evidence which might be used to evidence proficiency within the QTS standards. (5 minutes)
Evidencing the QTS Standards Lesson Plans = LP Formative Lesson Evaluations = FLE Summative Record = SR Progress Review Diary = PRD Professional Tutor Seminar = PT seminar Subject Mentor meeting – SM Meeting Observation notes you have made Team teaching notes Schemes of work Assignments / Action research Reading Materials Discussions with other members of staff Photographs
Evidencing the QTS Standards Your evidence is recorded in the Green TRAINEE PROGRESSION THROUGH THE STANDARDS booklet – located in the TRACKING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS & PROGRESS FILE. It needs to be completed thoroughly and regularly. It suggests evidence that you could use.
Thinking about effective teaching in the classroom Your task for week 6 is to list the different teaching strategies teachers use in the classroom. (Quite vague!) Have you got any ideas…….. E.g. Use of the board (5 minutes)
Thinking about effective teaching in the classroom EG. Effective teaching strategies eg. Exposition, modelling, demonstration Use of the board, visual stimuli Questioning – ways of stimulating responses and developing responses, getting pupils to ask questions Voice skills Body language, movement around the room Use of ICT to facilitate learning
Thinking about effective teaching in the classroom You are excepted to focus on just one of these and try teaching or team teaching using a particular strategy HAVE YOU GOT ANY IDEAS?
Thinking about effective teaching in the classroom Try and list the 5 most effective strategies teachers use in settling and dismissing classes (try one of these in your own teaching)
Thinking about effective teaching in the classroom SettlingDismissing Be punctual yourself Greet students with a smile Insist on a silent line Check uniform Invite students into room Establish a routine – copy date/title/aim in books (focuses them while you take the register) Have the resources already on the desks turned upside down Have your resources ready PPT/ OHT / Video etc… Use time limits / 3/2/1 Keep good time yourself eg. make sure you have time to finish your plenary & record H/W (easy to rush) You must insist on silence before students leave the room Do not allow them to pack away BEFORE you say so – maintain control You can dismiss pupils by row You can ask each row to answer a question before they leave Make sure you observe uniform before dismissal.
Effective Questioning This is your final area of focus. You are expected to collate a list of different questioning techniques. WHY IS QUESTIONING IMPORTANT? Questioning is a crucial role for the teacher because it is: 1. the most common form of interaction between teacher & student 2. a method of providing challenge for all pupils 3. a key method of facilitating thinking and reasoning in pupils 4. the most immediate and accessible way to assess learning
Effective Questioning Consider the list of the most common errors and guidance on how to create effective questioning.
SUMMARY The aims for this seminar were: 1) To understand the requirements of the QTS standards and appreciate how to match evidence to the standards. 2. To identify the strategies used by teachers to be effective in the classroom. DO YOU FEEL WE HAVE ACHIEVED THESE AIMS: A) what will you take away from the seminar? B) do you feel prepared to complete your School Based Activities for the week? C) do you require any additional support? If so, what? AOB – Ofsted notes / tick list p47 MANY THANKS FOR YOUR TIME!