An Interactive Business Simulation W E L C O M E To Capstone ® An Interactive Business Simulation
Why Simulate? Risk Free. Innovate and explore alternative strategies and tactics. Big Picture. Decisions and their impacts will be examined within the context of overall business operations - across functional boundaries. Develop Critical Thinking Skills. You will analyze, assess, plan, make decisions, evaluate, and adjust. Compresses Time. Several years worth of decision-making will play out during the term.
The Business $100M electronic sensor manufacturing firms. All teams begin with an identical profile. Oligopoly - market dominated by handful of firms. No outside competitors or product substitutes. Benign environment – no recessions, no disruptive new technologies. Focus on competition.
Markets Defined By Segments Performance - 11% Low End - 31% Traditional – 32% Size - 10% High End - 16% Percentage in dollars ($)
Introduction To Perceptual Maps Marketing tool used to depict product positioning. Illustrates how customers distinguish between products that are similar in nature. Electronic Sensors Large Small Slow Fast Size (how big is the sensor?) Performance (how sensitive is the sensor, and how fast does it process data?)
Defines five market segments There are five distinct segments of the market: Traditional Low End High End Performance Size The customers in each segment have different priorities and evaluate the product according to their own needs. Large Low End Performance Traditional Size Size High End Small Slow Fast Performance Perceptual Map
Segments Differentiated By Name Large Low Pfmn For example, Low End Segment customers look for large, slow sensors, representing nearly obsolete technology. Their primary concern is price. While High End Segment customers want the latest & greatest technology. They’re willing to pay more to get very small, high performance sensors. Trad Size Size High Small Slow Fast Performance Perceptual Map
Segments drift over time Large Low Customer expectations are constantly changing. They expect the sensors to become smaller in size and better in performance. Pfmn Trad Size High Size Small Slow Fast Performance Perceptual Map
Segments drift over time Large Low Pfmn Trad Size Size High Small Slow Fast Performance Perceptual Map
Segments drift over time Large Low Trad Pfmn Size Size High Small Slow Fast Performance Perceptual Map
Customers Go Through a Two-Stage Purchase Decision Process Stage 1 - Match Product to Market 1. Product must be positioned within the segment. Able Size Performance 2. Product must fall within price guidelines. Price Segments 3. Product must fall within reliability guidelines Reli-ability
Two-Stage Purchase Decision Stage 2 - Rank Best Product Reliability 1. Positioning 2. Age 3. Reliability 4. Price Position Ideal Spot AB Yrs 1 Age Price 20000 25000 HIGH END $30 $40
Product Ranking Criteria by Market Segment Traditional Segment Low End Segment High End Segment Performance Segment Size Segment 1 - Age 2 - Price 3 - Position 4 -Reliability 1 - Price 2 - Age 3 - Position 4 - Reliability 1 - Position 2 - Age 3 - Reliability 4 - Price 1 - Reliability 2 - Position 3 - Price 4 - Age 1 - Position 2 - Age 3 - Reliability 4 - Price Listed in order of importance for each market segment.
Basic Functional Areas R&D Re-position products Launch New Products Set product reliability rating (MTBF) Production Schedule production Increase/decrease plant production capacity Change automation levels Finance Issue/buy-back stock Set dividend policy Borrow short or long-term Pay-down debt Basic Marketing Set prices Set Promotion budgets Set Sales budgets Input sales forecast
Optional Modules TQM Labor Negotiations HR Advanced Marketing
Decision Making Each firm begins with identical profile Decisions are made January 1st each year Tactical plan should align with chosen success measurements (Profit, Stock Price, ROE, ROS, ROA, Asset Turnover, Market Share, Market Capitalization) Responsibilities may be divided up by Product Manager, Functional Manager, or Market Segment Manager roles Every member of the firm is able to create and upload decisions - communication and teamwork is vital!
Proformas Created Automatically in Decision Software Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Financial Ratios Sample Proforma Income Statement Print Proformas from software after making decisions each round, then compare to actual results
Student Activity Overview Each student registers at Personal Web page is created Introductory lessons under “Getting Started” section heading on website Team completes “Situation Analysis” exercise as a group Teams compete for up to eight simulated years Team develops Strategic Plan (success measurements) Team completes Practice Round(s) decisions Wrap-up reports Celebrate Winners
Sample Student Website Page Student Resources Team Member Guide Website ( - Demo’s - Tutorials - Help Files - Round Analysis - Tech Support Staff 1-888-472-7554 or Sample Student Website Page